Set up your account and get it ready for your upcoming season via Settings! Within General Settings, you can customize anything from tags to notifications to health log locations, and ensure you and your team are all set on day one.
In this article:
- Profiles
- Notifications
- Registration
- Health Log Customization
- Medications
- Tags
- Emergency Plan
- Attendance
In the Profiles tab found on the General Settings page, you can customize and delete Note Categories and Review Types that appear in profiles. You can also create, edit, and delete the Roles that you assign to your providers.
In this section:
Notes Categories
Notes serve as an internal communication system for you and your providers. Notes can be about anything, and you can categorize, prioritize, and attach files to them.
To add, delete, and restrict access to a Notes Category:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Profiles tab.
In NOTES, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete a Note Category:
- If you want to add a Note Category, go to Step 5.
If you want to delete a Note Category, click the Delete icon (
- Note: If you delete a Note Category, you will not delete the notes associated with that category.
- Click the ADD CATEGORY button.
- In the New Category box, type the name of the Note Category.
- Click the SAVE button.
- (Optional) If you want to limit access to the Note Category, in the Restriction box, select the Role(s) that you want to give view and edit access.
Review Types
Reviews serve as an internal review system for your providers that require going into participants' Health Profiles and answering specific questions to keep track of any red flags or concerns. For example, you may want your providers to check for lice, review current immunizations, do a nightly cabin check, or go over dietary restrictions. We recommend that every organization review every health profile before the season starts.
To add, edit, or delete Review Types:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Profiles tab.
In REVIEWS, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add, edit, or delete (deactivate) a Review Type:
- If you want to add a Review Type, go to Step 5.
If you want to edit a Review Type, click the Edit icon (
), make any necessary changes, and then click the SAVE button.
If you want to delete a Review Type, click the Delete icon (
- Note: If you delete a Review Type, you will delete all reviews completed for this Review Type.
- Click the ADD REVIEW TYPE button.
- In the Review Type Label box, type the name of the Review.
- (Optional) If you want a *Sticky Review, check the Sticky? box.
- Click the SAVE button.
* A Sticky Review will retain its status when a change is made to the Health Profile. By default, a review's status will revert to No if a change is made to the Health Profile.
Note: If you reactivate a deactivated Review Type, any reviews created in your profiles with that Review Type will reappear with the same status they had at the time they were deactivated. They will even include the name of the provider that chose that status as well as the date and time stamp from when it was created.
Permissions allow you to grant and limit access to people and processes in your account. Roles consist of a set of permissions that determine what providers can and cannot do in an organization's account. A Role is not uniquely associated with one provider. You can assign the same Role to multiple providers.
To create, delete, or edit permissions for a Role:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Profiles tab.
- In PERMISSIONS, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to create, edit, or delete a Role:
- If you want to create a Role, go to Step 5.
- If you want to edit permissions to a Role, in the Select Role box, select the Role that you want to edit, make any necessary changes to the permissions associated with the Role, and then click the SAVE ROLE button.
- If you want to delete a Role, in the Select Role box, select the Role that you want to delete, and then click the DELETE ROLE button.
- Click the Name box, and then type the name of the new Role.
Select the types and levels of permission that you want to be associated with the Role.
Note: To view the description of a permission, hover your cursor over the Tooltip icon ().
- Click the SAVE ROLE button.
See the Power Tools article to learn how to assign a Role to a provider.
Do you want to customize the type of emails, text, and frequency of the automatic notifications sent by your organization? You can include customized messages, headers, footers, and attachments in your notifications and change the frequency of the notifications that are sent. You can also select the email address that you want to be copied on the different types of notifications. Notifications will be sent to all authorized users for the relevant profiles.
It is important to note that you must have the Edit permission for Notifications added to your Role in order to customize your notifications.
You can hover your cursor over a Tooltip icon () to see a brief description of the type of notification that you are customizing.
In this section:
General Profile Notifications
You can add custom text to the Invitation emails users first receive when they are invited to manage a profile.
To customize the Welcome (Invitation) notification:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Notifications tab.
- In the Welcome box, type your message.
In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Important: The Reminder Frequency (Days) box also controls the frequency of invitations.
You can add custom text and set the frequency of notifications sent to remind users to complete their Health Profile(s).
To customize the Reminder notification:
In the Reminder Frequency (Days) box, select the daily frequency that you want users to receive this notification.
Important: Turning off Reminders will also stop invitations from being sent. You can set the frequency to Invite Only if you do not want to stop invitations. - In the Text box, type your message.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
You can customize the text for notifications sent to users when they complete their Health Profile.
To customize the Complete notification:
- In the Complete box, type the message.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Profile Photo Reminder
If you enable Profile Photo Reminders, you can customize the header, footer, body, attachment, and frequency of notifications sent to users to remind them to add a photo to their profiles.
To customize the Profile Photo Reminder notification:
- Check the box to enable the Profile Photo Reminder.
- In the Daily Frequency box, select the daily frequency that you want users to receive this notification.
- Check the box(es) to select whether you want to add a custom header, body, footer, and attachment to the notification.
- (Optional) In the Send a copy to box, add the email address of the provider whom you want to be copied on these notifications.
- (Optional) Type your custom header, footer, and body text in any of the text boxes you selected to customize.
- (Optional) To add a custom attachment, click the Choose File button, select the file that you want to add, and then click the UPLOAD button.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Registration Notifications
If you enable Registration notifications, you can customize the header, footer, body, and attachment of notifications sent to users to alert them when one of the profiles they manage is registered for a new session or program, added to a waitlist, and promoted from a waitlist.
To customize any of the Registration notifications:
- Check the box next to the title of the type of notification that you want to enable.
- Check the box(es) to select whether you want to add a custom header, body, footer, and attachment to the notification.
- (Optional) In the Send a copy to box, add the email address of the provider whom you want to be copied on these notifications.
- (Optional) Type your custom header, footer, and body in any of the text boxes you selected to customize.
- (Optional) To add a custom attachment, click the Choose File button, select the file that you want to add, and then click the UPLOAD button.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Financial Notifications
You can customize the header, footer, body, and attachment of notifications sent to users to alert them when the Account of one of the profiles they manage is updated, as well as when a payment is received, a payment plan has failed, or a balance is due. You can also customize the frequency of Balance Due Reminder notifications.
It is important to note that Account Update, Payment Received, and Failed Payment Plan notifications are automatically enabled, and they cannot be disabled.
To customize the Account Update, Payment Received, and Failed Payment Plan notifications:
- Check the box(es) in each Notification Type section to select whether you want to add a custom header, body, footer, and attachment to the notification.
- (Optional) In the Send a copy to box, add the email address of the provider whom you want to be copied on these notifications.
- (Optional) Type your custom header, footer, and body in any of the text boxes you selected to customize.
- (Optional) To add a custom attachment, click the Choose File button, select the file that you want to add, and then click the UPLOAD button.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
To customize the Balance Due Reminder notification:
- Check the box to enable the Balance Due Reminder.
- In the Daily Frequency box, select the daily frequency that you want users to receive this notification.
- Check the box(es) to select whether you want to add a custom header, body, footer, and attachment to the notification.
- (Optional) In the Send a copy to box, add the email address of the provider whom you want to be copied on these notifications.
- (Optional) Type your custom header, footer, and body text in any of the text boxes you selected to customize.
- (Optional) To add a custom attachment, click the Choose File button, select the file that you want to add, and then click the UPLOAD button.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
If you use our Online Registration feature and frequently add Miscellaneous Line Items (e.g. scholarships, replacement fees, special discounts), you can add preset Line Item descriptions to help save you time and standardize your records.
To add or delete preset Miscellaneous Line Items:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Registration tab.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete a Miscellaneous Line Item description:
- To add a Miscellaneous Line Item description, click the ADD DESCRIPTION button, type the new description, and then click the SAVE button.
To remove a Miscellaneous Line Item description, click the Delete icon (
Note: You can continue to add free-text Miscellaneous Line Items if the preset line item descriptions do not fit the situation.
Health Log Customization
You can customize the Health Log by adding locations and dispositions specific to your organization. If you use the Triage feature, you can also customize the instructions that your participants see when they check in.
In this section:
Health Log Locations
Locations refer to the places where the illness or injury first occurred. You and your team of providers can document this information when adding an entry to a participant's Health Log.
To add or delete Health Log Locations:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Health Log tab.
- In LOCATIONS, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete a location:
- To add a location, click the ADD LOCATION button, and then go to Step 5.
To delete a location, click the Delete icon (
- In the New Location box, type the name of a location in your organization.
- Click the SAVE button.
Health Log Dispositions
Dispositions refer to the destination or status of the participant following the medical encounter. When adding an entry to the health log, you and your team of providers must document the anticipated location or status following the medical encounter, known as the final disposition.
To add or delete Health Log Dispositions:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Health Log tab.
- In DISPOSITIONS, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete a disposition:
- If you want to add a disposition, click the ADD DISPOSITION button, and then go to Step 5.
If you want to delete a disposition, click the Delete icon (
- In the New Disposition box, type the name of an available disposition.
- Click the SAVE button.
Health Log Triage
A laptop or tablet with internet access may be placed in your clinic for participants to check in and provide basic details for their visit.
To add or edit the instructional text that appears when participants are checking in:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Health Log tab.
- In the submenu that appears, click TRIAGE.
- In the Check-In Instructions box, add or edit the instructions that you want your participants to see.
- Click the SAVE button.
You can enable or disable Bulk Entry for the eMAR, adjust the alert threshold for tracking medication quantity, and add custom Note Templates used for charting consistency in the eMAR.
In this section:
Bulk Entry
To enable Bulk Entry:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Medications tab.
- Check the box to enable Bulk Entry in the eMAR.
- Click the SAVE button.
Medication Tracking Alerts
To enable Medication Tracking Alerts:
- In the Remaining Doses box, type the number of doses at which you want to receive an alert.
- Click the SAVE button.
Note Templates
To add, edit, or delete Note Templates:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Medications tab.
In the Note Templates box, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add, edit, or delete a note template:
- If you want to add a note template, select New Template from the list that appears, and then skip to Step 5.
- If you want to edit a note template, select the template from the list that appears, make any necessary changes, and then click the SAVE TEMPLATE button.
- If you want to delete a note template, select the template from the list that appears, and then click the DELETE TEMPLATE button.
- In the Name box, type the name of the template.
- In the Template box, type the message that you want to appear in the eMar Notes section of a medication.
- Click the SAVE TEMPLATE button.
Tags are miscellaneous pieces of data that can be attached to profiles and used for filtering and reports (e.g., Cabin, Bus Location, Graduation Year). Tags can be immensely useful for tracking data you need that isn't tracked in your registrations or health forms. You can learn more about filtering for tags to create your own reports in our List Builder support article.
In this section:
Create Tags and Labels
To add, deactivate, or reactivate Tags:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Tags tab.
Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add, deactivate, or reactivate a tag:
- If you want to add a tag, click the ADD NEW TAG button, and then skip to Step 5.
- If you want to deactivate a tag, click the DEACTIVATE button. If any profiles include this tag, it will be removed.
- If you want to reactivate a tag, click the REACTIVATE button.
Note: Reactivated tags will reappear on those profiles that previously included those tags at the time of deactivation. You may also use the reactivated tags for current profiles as well
- On the lower-left side of the page, in the Label box, type the name of the tag.
- Click the SAVE TAG button.
- (Optional) If you want to add options to the tag, click the Tag Edit icon (
), in the Option box, type the name of the option, and then click the ADD OPTION button. Repeat Step 7 to add more options.
Note: If no options are provided for a tag, there will be a place on the profiles for you to add free text.
Edit Tags
To edit a tag or option, add an option, or delete an option:
Click the Tag Edit icon (
Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to edit a tag or option, add an option, or delete an option:
- If you want to edit a tag, make any necessary changes in the Label box.
- If you want to edit an option, click the Options Edit icon (
) in the Options Label box, and make any necessary changes.
- If you want to add an option, type the name of the option in the Option box, and then click the ADD OPTION button.
If you want to delete an option, click the Delete icon (
Important: If you delete an option, tags including that option will be removed from all profiles.
- Click the SAVE TAG button.
Assign Tags
Now that you have your tags set up, the next step is to assign participants to the appropriate group(s). There are three options for assigning tags to profiles:
- Individually
- In bulk
- Via an import
From your Profile List, you can select specific profiles and assign tags on an individual basis.
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the List Builder, filter for the profiles that you want.
- In the Profiles List, check the box to select an individual profile.
- In the participant's profile, click the Tags tab.
- Click the EDIT TAGS button.
- In the Value for PARTICIPANT NAME box (or dropdown menu) next to the Tag you want to update, type or select the label option you want to assign to the participant.
- Click Save.
In bulk
Within Power Tools, you can update tags in bulk for multiple profiles.
To update tags in bulk:
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the List Builder, filter for the profiles that you want.
- (Optional) In the Profiles List, check the boxes to select individual profiles if you want to update a more specific subset of the profiles.
- In the right column, in the menu, click POWER TOOLS.
For the tag(s) that you want to update, do one of the following, depending on whether you are updating a tag with or without options:
- If you are updating a tag with options, click the Value box, and then select the option that you want.
- If you are updating a tag without options, click the Value box, and then type the value that you want to assign to the tag.
Do one of the following, depending on whether you are updating one tag or multiple tags:
- If you are updating one tag, click the UPDATE button for that tag.
- If you are updating multiple tags, click the UPDATE ALL button.
- In the Confirmation window that appears, click the OK button.
Via an Import
In addition to importing your Groups, Participants, and Registrations, you can import your Tags. You can add columns for Tags to your Participant Import, or you can send us a file just for Tags. For every Tag Import:
- Each category of information must be listed in a separate column.
- Each row must include a first name, last name, date of birth, and identifier (if applicable) for the participant.
Check out our Profile (Participant) Imports support article for more information.
Emergency Plan
The Emergency Plan feature allows organizations to share their plan for communication, evacuation, reunification, and emergency authorities with their participants. Enabling the Emergency Plan tool allows authorized users to see this information when they log in to their account.
Before you can use the Emergency Plan tool, you need to update your Permissions to include the ability to view or edit the Emergency Plan.
To enable the Emergency Plan:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- Click the Emergency Plan tab.
- In the "Would you like to enable the Emergency Plan for your organization?" section, click the Yes button.
In this section:
Communication Protocol
You can list your established protocol for communicating with parents, guardians and families for your participants and staff in the event of a crisis.
To customize the Communication Protocol section:
- In the Communication Protocol box, type your message.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Evacuation Protocol
You can list your established protocol for evacuation, including the locations of your evacuation sites and your reunification process for minors with their parents or guardians.
To customize the Evacuation Protocol section:
- In the Evacuation Protocol box, type the message.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Emergency Authorities
You can list local and regional authorities and resources that parents, guardians and families may contact if they cannot reach your camp during a crisis (e.g. police, fire department).
To customize the Emergency Authorities section:
- In the Emergency Authorities box, type the message.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Participant View
The Attendance feature includes check-in and check-out functionality to track participant drop-off as well as trusted contacts who are authorized for participant pick-up. You may also track participant attendance at specific programs or classes.
The Attendance tab allows you to create, edit, and delete Attendance Types for the Attendance feature, as well as enable and disable the Universal Contact and Bypass Mode in the Check In feature.
In this section:
Attendance Types
Attendance Types are used to designate the activities, sessions, and classes for which you take attendance. They serve as categories to provide additional, contextual information in reports. You can add and delete attendance types in General Settings. It is important to note that you must set up Attendance Types if you want to take attendance for more than one activity, session, or class. Before you can use the Attendance tool, you need to update your Permissions to include the ability to view or edit Attendance. You must have the Edit Permission for Attendance to edit Attendance Types.
To add Attendance Types:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- In the right column, click the Attendance tab.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete an Attendance Type:
- To add an Attendance Type, click the ADD TYPE button, and then go to Step 5.
To delete an Attendance Type, click the Delete icon (
- In the New Type box, type the name of the activity, session, or class for which you want to take attendance.
- Click the SAVE button.
Universal Contact Settings
You can enable and disable the Universal Contact and Bypass Mode for Attendance. The Universal Contact is a generic Trusted Contact that can be used to check participants in or out when it does not make sense to select a specific trusted contact. Bypass Mode allows you to use the Universal Contact to check multiple participants in or out at the same time. The Universal Contact information will default to the General Contact chosen during your account setup.
To be able to edit the Universal Contact, you must have the Edit Permissions for Attendance Taking added to your Role and be given the provider top-level access to all of the profiles in the organization's account. In order to have top-level access, you must be registered to the top-level of the organization (i.e. the name of the organization). Check out the Provider Registration support article to learn more about adding provider registrations.
Edit Contact Information
To edit contact information for the Universal Contact:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- In the right column, click the Attendance tab.
In the Universal Contact Information section, click Edit Contact Information.
Important: Either the Universal Contact or Bypass Mode must be enabled in order to edit this contact information. - Add the contact information that you want to appear for your Universal Contact. Boxes outlined in red indicate required information.
- Click the SAVE button.
Enable / Disable Universal Contact
The Universal Contact is a generic Trusted Contact that can be used to check participants in or out when it does not make sense to select a specific trusted contact.
To enable or disable the Universal Contact:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- In the right column, click the Attendance tab.
In the Universal Contact Settings section, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to enable or disable the Universal Contact:
- To enable the Universal Contact, click the Yes button.
To disable the Universal Contact, click the No button.
Note: If you enable the Universal Contact feature, the default information that appears is from the General Contact chosen during your account setup.
Bypass Mode
Bypass Mode allows you to use the Universal Contact to check multiple participants in or out at the same time.
To enable or disable Bypass Mode:
- In the Menu, click Settings.
- In the submenu that appears, click General.
- In the right column, click the Attendance tab.
- In the Universal Contact Settings section, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to enable or disable Bypass Mode:
- To enable Bypass Mode, click the Yes button.
- To disable Bypass Mode, click the No button.