Every participant and provider will need to create a profile, have an active registration, and have an authorized user added to their profile in order for them to complete their health forms. Additionally, providers need to be assigned a role that reflects their permissions and tasks.
In this article:
- Create Participant Profile
- Create Provider Profile
- Demographic Changes
- Merge Profiles
- Health Profile Overview
- Print Blank Health Forms
Create Participant Profile
Every participant needs a Participant Profile to be able to complete their forms. There are three components to creating a new participant profile:
Watch this tutorial video or check out the steps below to learn more about how to create a participant profile:
Create Profile
Typically, parents or guardians will create participant profiles. However, you are also able to create participant profiles in the event that a parent or guardian needs assistance. Additionally, if your organization is using a separate registration system, you may find times when you need to manually create profiles individually when/if not completing a profile import.
To create a new participant profile:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the submenu that appears, click Create Profile.
In the right column, add demographic information for the participant.
Note: Although not required, we encourage entering the participant's date of birth to prevent duplicate profiles from being created. Alternatively, or in addition to, you may provide an identifier (if your registration software provides one) on your import spreadsheet. - Click the CONTINUE button.
Add Registration
A participant needs to be registered for a current or upcoming session in order for them to complete their forms.
To register a participant for a session:
- In the participant's profile, click the Registrations tab.
- Click the NEW REGISTRATION button
- Check the box to select Participant, and then check the box to select Current or Upcoming, depending on the dates of the session.
- In the Select from (#) Groups box, click the name of the group for which you want to register.
- Click the Register button.
- (Optional) Add any necessary coupons and add-ons. Check out Add Coupons and Add-Ons to learn how to add them to a session.
Add User
An authorized user needs to be added to a participant’s profile in order for the participant to complete their forms.
To add a user to the participant's profile:
- In the participant's profile, click the Users tab.
- Click the ADD A USER button.
- In the Add a User box, type the user’s email address.
- Click the SUBMIT button.
A Welcome email will automatically be sent to new users with instructions on how to create their password and sign in. Users with an existing account will receive a Reminder email asking them to complete their participant’s Health Profile.
Create Provider Profile
Before individuals on your team can access your CampDoc / SchoolDoc account, every provider needs a Provider Profile. There are four components to creating a new provider profile:
Watch this tutorial video or check out the steps below to learn more about how to create a provider profile:
Create Profile
To create a new provider profile:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the submenu that appears, click Create Profile.
In the right column, add demographic information for the provider.
Note: Although not required, we encourage entering the provider's date of birth to prevent duplicate profiles from being created. - Click the CONTINUE button.
Add Provider Registration
A provider must have a Provider Registration in order to access information in the account. Providers registered to the top-level of the organization (i.e. the name of the organization) have top-level access to all of the participant profiles in the organization's account. Providers registered to specific sessions have access only to participant profiles registered to those sessions.
To register a provider:
- In the profile that appears, in the menu, click the Registrations tab.
- Click the New Registration button.
- In the New Registration section, check the box to select Provider.
Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to give the provider access to all of the profiles in the organization's account or to a specific subgroup:
- To give the provider top-level access to all of the profiles in the organization's account, check the box to select Current, and then click to select the organization name from the list that appears.
To limit the provider’s access to the profiles registered to a specific subgroup within your organization's account, check the box to select Current or Upcoming (depending on the dates of the session), and then click to select the appropriate group from the list that appears.
Tip: You can select and register for multiple groups at the same time.
- After you have selected the necessary registrations, click the REGISTER button.
Add User
After you add a new registration, add the provider's email address as an authorized user on their profile so they can log in and access their account.
To add an authorized user to a Provider profile:
- In the provider's profile, click the Users tab.
- Click the ADD A USER button.
- In the Email Address box, type the provider's email address.
- Click the SUBMIT button. The provider will receive an email inviting them to manage their profile, create a password, and log in to their account. If they already have an account, they can log in to their account as usual, and they will find a splash screen for the organization with a link to the Provider Account.
Assign Role
Lastly, you must assign a Role to the provider’s account. Roles are made up of a set of permissions that determine what providers can and cannot do within the account. To learn more about creating Roles, check out our Permissions article or Provider Permissions video.
A Role is not uniquely associated with one provider. You can assign the same Role to multiple providers. It's important to note that only providers can be assigned Roles.
To assign a Role:
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the Default List box in the right column, select Providers (current).
- In the List Builder menu, click POWER TOOLS.
- In the menu that appears, click MANAGE PERMISSIONS.
- In the Profiles List, check the box to select the providers for whom you want to assign a Role.
- In the Select a Role box in the right column, select the Role that you want to assign.
- Click the GRANT button.
Demographic Changes
If there is an incorrect or misspelled name, date of birth, or sex, you can change the demographic information listed in the participant's profile.
- In the participant's profile, click the EDIT button next to the participant's name at the top of their profile.
- Make the necessary changes to the demographic information.
- Click the SAVE CHANGES button.
Users are not able to change their first name, middle name, last name, sex, or date of birth without your approval.
Profiles that have requested a change to their demographic information can be viewed in the List Builder or News Feed.
To approve a demographic change request:
- Click the Alert icon () next to your name to access the News Feed.
- Under the Demographic Change Requests dropdown, select the participant.
- Click the Change Requested notification in orange underneath the participant's name.
- Choose to Accept or Deny each request.
Merge Profiles
Duplicate profiles can be created by mistake when adding a new profile, or if the demographic information does not match when importing data. For example, a participant may list a different name from last year (e.g. Jon instead of Jonathan). If you have the Merge Profiles permission added to your Role, you can merge profiles to prevent confusion and maintain accurate records.
It is critical to note that a merge cannot be reversed. When you start the merge process, you will be asked to select a Winning profile and a Losing profile.
Below are important considerations when choosing the Winning profile:
- Health Profile information in the Winning profile will be saved, and the Health Profile information in the Losing profile will be deleted.
- Deactivated sessions are not merged.
Important: If you use our online registration system, transactions associated with deactivated sessions are not merged, so be sure to make any refunds and collect any payments for a profile before you complete a merge. - If a Losing profile includes a protection plan, you must reach out to our Support Team to have it transferred to the correct session in the Winner profile.
You can see a list of information that will and will not be merged in a window that appears identifying the Winning and Losing profiles.
To merge two profiles together:
- In the List Builder, click the X next to each condition to clear them.
- In the Search bar above the Profiles List, type the name of the profile that you want to merge.
- Check the box next to each of the duplicate names. A MERGE DUPLICATES button will appear at the top of the middle column.
- Click the MERGE DUPLICATES button. A window will appear identifying the LOSING profile and the WINNING profile.
- (Optional) If you need to switch the Winner and Loser profiles, click the SWAP PROFILES button.
- When you are certain the Winner profile that is selected is the correct one, type your email address in the Email Address box at the bottom of the window.
- Click the MERGE button.
Health Profile Overview
The Health Profile is where the requested participant information is collected. In the Health Profile, participants will complete the required questions determined by your organization and can upload files as needed.
The Health Profile and Session Information work together to display the appropriate questions dependent on the session(s) selected. Depending on the participant registration, we are able to display different questions to different participant types.
The forms in your account are based directly on what was submitted by your organization during the onboarding process.
To learn more about the Health Profile and how to navigate this tab in a participant's profile, check out our Individual Health Profiles video:
Print Blank Health Forms
To download and print a blank form:
- In the Profiles List, select the participant profile for whom you want to print a blank form.
- In the participant's profile, click on the Health Profile tab.
- Click the BLANK FORM button.
Please note that forms are dependent on the groups to which a participant is registered. Before printing a blank form, make sure the participant has been registered to the appropriate groups.