The Health Log is an important feature for tracking illnesses and injuries electronically. It allows you to log health and injury related incidents in a centralized, easily accessible, and secure environment that is flexible and easy-to-use. Designed to replace paper logs and offer a more efficient and useful tool for organizations, the Health Log improves risk management by allowing you to:
- Filter and report for specific data points
- Electronically store entries
- Triage visits
- Record administration of OTC medications
- Automatically generate statistics in real-time
- Create templates for common occurrences
The Health Log is tamper-proof, meaning that health log entries cannot be deleted, and they cannot be altered by anyone other than the provider who originally entered them. Entries can have an addendum added by other providers, but the original entry will always remain intact.
Lastly, knowing the time and energy that your organization puts into national, state, or county health log requirements, our Health Log is meant to make logging clinic visits more efficient and useful while helping your organization meet ACA accreditation standards.
In this article:
- Health Log Entries
Health Log Updates
Health Log Templates
Health Log Data
- Triage Mode
- Bulk Health Log Entries
Health Log Entries
Health Log entries follow the standard SOAP note format (an acronym for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan), a widely adopted communication tool between interdisciplinary healthcare providers. Our application allows you to document a participant's chief complaint, history of present illness, vital signs, assessment, plan and disposition, and other items.
Health log entries are shown in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent entries shown first. You can review the day and time of the encounter, the name of the participant, the chief complaint, and the name of the staff member who created the entry.
Entries in black signify a completed entry, while entries in red indicate a draft that has not yet been submitted. You may filter through entries using conditions, which work in a similar fashion to the List Builder. Check out the Filters and Saved Lists section to learn more about how to create and share commonly used filters.
In this section:
- Create New Heath Log Entry
- Accessing Health Log via Profile
- Edit Health Lot Entry Draft
- Review Health Log Entry
Create New Health Log Entry
Before you begin creating Health Log entries, you can customize the locations and dispositions available in the Health Log. You can learn how to do this in our Settings article.
When you create a new Health Log entry, you can add additional fields by selecting items from the Subjective, Vitals, Physical Exam, Assessment/Plan, and Additional sections of the Health Log Menu. In addition to fields for assessing a participant's condition, you can add a Follow-Up reminder, Nursing Diagnosis, Medical Diagnosis, and Attach a Document. Drafts automatically save as you type, and you can come back to make edits to your draft at any point in time.
To create a new Health Log entry:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click New.
In the Log Type dropdown, select General Log.
Note: If you are creating a new Behavioral Health Log entry, select Behavioral Log. - In the Patient box, type the name of the participant, and then select the name from the list that appears.
Important: You can only create entries for the dates that fall within the time that a participant is registered to attend a session. If you try to create an entry during a date outside of these times, you will receive an error message that says, "Patient has no active registrations at the time selected above." - Hover your cursor over the red or gray Medkit icon (
) that appears on the upper-right side of the page in order to see any allergies and medications used by the participant.
Note: A red Medkit icon () indicates that a participant has allergies, and an allergy followed by an exclamation mark indicates that the participant is at risk for anaphalaxis for that allergy.
- (Optional) If you want to change the date and time of the Health Log entry, click the Logged boxes and select the correct date and time.
Note: The date and time defaults to the current date and time. - (Optional) If you want to use a template for the entry, click the Load a Template box, and then select the template that you want. You can learn how to create templates in the Health Log Templates article.
- Complete the information in all of the boxes outlined in red. These are required fields, and you can hover your cursor over the Tool Tip icon (
) to see a description of the type of information needed.
Tip: Location is an optional field; however, this information is tracked in the Statistics feature and can be helpful in identifying the most common places that injuries occur. - (Optional) Click Health Log Menu items in the Subjective, Vitals, Physical Exam, Assessment/Plan, and Additional sections to add fields to the Health Log form.
Tip: In the Assessment/Plan section, if you click to add the Follow-Up field and set a date and time, an alert will appear in the News Feed to remind you to follow up with the participant. - (Optional) If you want to upload a document, click the File box and select the document or drag and drop the document in the box.
- (Optional) If you want the authorized users on a participant's profile to receive an email summary of the Health Log entry, click the Do NOT Notify box, and then select Notify Authorized Users.
Note: By default, authorized users cannot view and are not notified about Health Log entries. - Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to submit the Health Log entry, submit the entry and begin a new entry, or delete the Health Log entry draft:
- If you want to submit the Health Log entry, click the SUBMIT button.
- If you want to submit the Health Log entry and begin a new entry, click the SUBMIT AND NEW button.
- If you want to delete the Health Log entry draft, click the DELETE DRAFT button.
Important: A Health Log entry cannot be deleted after it has been submitted. You can mark it as an error if there is a mistake with a submitted entry. Check out the Health Log Updates section to learn more.
Accessing Health Log via Profile
While navigating to the Health Log is a more direct way to view and create new entries, you can also access Health Log entries via the Health Log tab of an individual participant's profile. Here, you can view, update, print, and begin a new Health Log entry.
To access Health Log entries via a participant's profile:
- In the participant's profile, click the Health Log tab.
Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to view, update, print, or begin a new Health Log entry:
- To view a Health Log entry, click the chief complaint.
To update a Health Log entry, click the Update icon (
). If you want to learn more about updating a Health Log entry, see the Health Log Updates section.
- To print the Health Log entries, click the PRINT THESE ENTRIES button.
- To begin a new Health Log entry, click the NEW ENTRY button.
Edit Health Log Entry Draft
A Health Log entry draft is an entry that has been started but not yet submitted. As soon as you select the name of a participant in a new entry, a draft is created. All drafts appear in red, and only the provider who initially created the entry is able to edit or delete the draft.
To edit a Health Log entry draft:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
- In the Profiles box, type the name of the participant, and then select the name from the list that appears.
- In the draft that you want to edit, click the Edit icon (
Important: The Edit icon () only appears if you are logged in to the application as the provider who originally created the draft.
- Add the necessary information.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to submit the Health Log entry, submit the entry and begin a new entry, or delete the Health Log entry draft:
- If you want to submit the Health Log entry, click the SUBMIT button.
- If you want to submit the Health Log entry and begin a new entry, click the SUBMIT AND NEW button.
- If you want to delete the Health Log entry draft, click the DELETE DRAFT button.
Important: A Health Log entry cannot be deleted after it has been submitted. You can mark it as an error if there is a mistake with a submitted entry. Check out the Mark Health Log Error section to learn more.
Important: If a provider did not create a Health Log entry draft, they are still able to click the Update icon () to add a Linked Visit, create a new visit, and print the participant's Health Log entry draft.
Review Health Log Entry
Some organizations have an onsite or offsite doctor or other medical provider review their Health Log entries at the end of every day or every week. If your medical provider has a provider profile, they can review Health Log entries electronically.
Please note that only providers with the Health Log Edit permissions are able to mark entries as reviewed.
To review completed Health Log entries:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
- Click the chief complaint of the entry that you want to review.
- Review the entry, and then click the MARK REVIEWED button.
You can also view additional details for the Health Log entry such as addendums and attachments before you mark it reviewed.
To review additional details for Health Log entries:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
In the Health Log entry that you want to review, click the Update icon (
- Review the entry, and then click the MARK REVIEWED button.
Health Log Updates
The Health Log is tamper-proof, meaning that health log entries cannot be deleted, and they cannot be altered by anyone other than the provider who originally entered them. If you are not the provider who originally created a health log entry, you can still make updates to an entry. Specifically, you can add an addendum and create a linked visit for the entry. Please note that the original entry will always remain intact.
Although health log entries cannot be deleted, if you are the provider who originally create a health log entry, you can mark the entry as an error. If your entry is still in draft mode, you can delete or edit the draft as needed.
In this section:
Add Health Log Addendum
If you need to update a Health Log entry after you submit it, you can add an addendum. As a reminder, an addendum can be added by providers other than the original creator of the entry.
Please note that only completed entries (entries in black) can have addendums added to them.
To add an addendum:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
In the entry that you want to change, click the Update icon (
- In the Add An Addendum box, type a message about your update.
- (Optional) If you want to add an attachment, click the Choose File button, and then select the file that you want to attach.
- Click the SAVE button.
Add Linked Visit
Linked Visit allows you to track follow-up visits for the same chief complaint. As a reminder, linked visits can be created by providers other than the original creator of the entry.
To create a linked visit:
In the entry for which you want to add a linked visit, click the Update icon (
- Click the LINKED VISIT button.
Complete the linked Health Log entry, and then click the SUBMIT button. On the View page of the Health Log, Linked Visits are signified by a Linked Visit icon (
Mark Health Log Error
If you need to remove a Health Log entry, you can mark it as an error. It’s important to note that this cannot be undone. Please note that only the provider who initially created the entry is able to mark an entry as an error.
To mark an entry as an error:
In the entry that you want to remove, click the Update icon (
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the MARK AS ERROR button.
- In the Confirmation window that appears, click the CONFIRM button. A Success window will appear.
Health Log Templates
The Health Log's Template feature can help your team save time by allowing you to create and share templates with default fields in the Health Log for patients sharing the same health concerns.
Templates are a great tool to save time and standardize entries. They allow you to pre-populate fields so that you can customize the information you would like to collect for specific situations or common occurrences, such as a cold, sore throat, or sprain.
Create Health Log Template
To create or modify a Health Log Template:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click Templates.
- Under Template Type, select General Health or Behavioral Health depending on the type of template you want to create.
Tip: Behavioral Health Log templates include fields for Session Time and Encounter Type. - In the Create a new template or update an existing one? section, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to create a new template or modify an existing one:
- If you want to create a new template, check the New box, in the New Template Name box, type the name, and then, in the Select a template box, select the template with which you want to begin.
Note: The Default Template is the default for new templates. - If you want to modify an existing template, check the Existing box, and then, in the Template to overwrite box, select the template that you want to modify.
- If you want to create a new template, check the New box, in the New Template Name box, type the name, and then, in the Select a template box, select the template with which you want to begin.
- In the Subjective, Vitals, Physical Exam, Assessment / Plan, and Additional sections, check the boxes to select the fields that you want to include in the template.
- Type or select the information that you want to include in the fields that you choose.
- (Optional) Check the Share Template with other Providers box to allow other providers at your organization to have access to the template that you created or modified.
- Click the SAVE TEMPLATE button.
In a new Health Log entry, you can add a template that you created or that was shared with you by clicking the Load a Template box, and then select the template that you want to add.
Blank Template
For organizations that might need to administer care in areas that do not have internet access, we recommend using our Blank Health Log Template to record the entry. When you return to a location with internet access, you can add these entries to the Health Log.
To download a blank template:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click New.
- On the lower-right side of the page, click the DOWNLOAD BLANK TEMPLATE button.
Health Log Data
One of the hidden gems within our application's Health Log feature is its data generating and exporting capabilities. Here, you can create and save filters, export reports, review patient data, and analyze macro-level health log data from a risk management perspective.
In this section:
Filters and Saved Lists
You can search for a subset of Health Log entries on the View page of the Health Log by adding conditions such as date, chief complaint, location, and provider. If you add a set of conditions that you want to use frequently, you can save and share the set of filters with other providers at your organization. Saved lists appear in the Lists box in the upper-left side of the page.
To create, save, and share a list:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
- On the View page, click FILTER.
- Select the appropriate conditions from the drop-down menu in each Condition box.
Tip: If you want to filter for all participants in a past session, add the Group Select condition, and be sure to check the Show Past Groups box that appears. You can add as many groups as you want to the third box of the Group Select condition. - (Optional) Click the ADD CONDITION button to add more filters.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add as many conditions as you need to narrow your list of Health Log entries.
- (Optional) If conditions exist that you want to remove, click the Remove icon (
) next to the condition.
(Optional) Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to save a new list or overwrite an existing one:
To save a new list, in the List Name box that appears, type the name of your new list, and then click the SAVE button.
Tip: If you want to share your saved list with other providers at your organization, check the Share this list with other providers box. -
To overwrite an existing list, click the New List box, select Overwrite Existing, click the Which list to overwrite? box, select the list that you want to overwrite, and then click the SAVE button.
Note: Saved lists appear in the Lists box on the upper-left side of the View page.
To save a new list, in the List Name box that appears, type the name of your new list, and then click the SAVE button.
Health Log Data Exports
You can download and print Health Log entry data. Exports will contain information on the profiles for whom you filter.
You will find the following options when exporting:
- All Entries CSV: an Excel-style spreadsheet of all data
- All Entries PDF: PDF format of all data
- Individual PDFs: Entries for each profile are on separate pages
- Summary PDF: Includes each complaint, the number of occurrences, and the associated profiles
To create and export Health Log data:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click View.
- Click FILTER.
- Select the appropriate conditions from the drop-down menu in each Condition box.
Tip: If you want to filter for all participants in a past session, add the Group Select condition, and be sure to check the Show Past Groups box that appears. You can add as many groups as you want to the third box of the Group Select condition. - (Optional) Click the ADD CONDITION button to add more filters.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add as many conditions as you need to narrow your list of Health Log entries.
- Click EXPORT.
- In the section for selecting the format of the data that you want to export, click the EXPORT button.
Tracking Board
You can quickly see all of your patients from the last 30 days with the Tracking Board, and you can filter them by disposition. This makes it especially easy to review your patients with your health staff at the end of the day, end of the week, and end of the month.
To filter your patients by disposition(s):
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click Tracking Board.
- Click the Filter by Disposition box, and then select the disposition(s) that you want to view.
- (Optional) To update an entry, in the entry that you want to chart, click the Update icon (
In Statistics, you can filter by dates at the top of the page and view statistics for visits per day, chief complaints, top providers, top locations, dispositions, and male/female patients.
To filter for the dates that you want:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click Statistics.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to filter by specific dates or time periods:
- To filter by specific dates, click the Showing data from boxes, select the dates that you want to view, and then click the GET STATISTICS button.
- To filter by time periods, click the time period that you want to view (i.e., Today, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days).
Note: The Last 7 Days refers to the last 7 days from today, whereas Last Week refers to the last full calendar week. The Last 30 Days refers to the last 30 days from today, whereas Last Month refers to the last full calendar month.
Statistics PDF Report
A Statistics PDF report will include all of the graphs for which you filtered.
For a PC, to print a PDF report of the Statistics graphs:
- Click the Statistics page.
- Press the Control (Ctrl) and P keys on your keyboard at the same time.
For a Mac, to print a PDF report of the Statistics graphs:
- Click the Statistics page.
- Press the Command (Apple) and P keys on your keyboard at the same time.
Triage Mode
In addition to logging entries and generating reports on health and injury related incidents, the Health Log also offers opportunities to help your organization's health clinic run more smoothly and efficiently. Specifically, our Triage feature within the Health Log allows participants to check themselves in and allows your team to prioritize your participants appropriately.
You can place a laptop or tablet with internet access in your clinic for participants to check-in and provide basic details for their visit. The entries appear in the Triage List that appears in the Triage feature.
To enable Check-In Mode on a device with internet access:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click Triage.
- Click the ENTER CHECK-IN MODE button.
When a participant checks in, they are prompted to enter their name and chief complaint. After they check in, they appear in your Triage List, and you can prioritize your visits by the severity and urgency of the chief complaints.
To chart your Triage entries in the Health Log:
- In the Menu, click Health Log.
- In the submenu that appears, click Triage.
- In the entry that you want to chart, click the Update icon (
), and then complete the entry. Learn more about how to do that in the Create New Health Log Entry section.
Bulk Health Log Entries
Whether it is a scheduled contagious disease screening or session check-in, you can update Health Log Entries for multiple profiles at the same time. It is important to note that Health Log Entries are created for all of the profiles that you filter for in the List Builder, and these entries cannot be removed.
Important: Before you can create health entries in bulk, you want to make sure that you have this feature enabled. Please reach out to your Client Success Team to have this feature enabled.
You must use a Health Log Template to create bulk Health Log Entries. You can create and edit available templates in the Templates section of the Health Log.
To create bulk Health Log entries:
- In the Menu, click Profiles.
- In the List Builder, filter for the profiles that you want.
- (Optional) In the Profiles List, check the boxes to select individual profiles if you want to update a more specific subset of the profiles.
- In the right column, in the menu, click POWER TOOLS.
- Click HEALTH LOG ENTRIES. The Provider box will automatically populate with the name of the provider creating the entries.
- In the Template box, select the template that you want to apply.
- (Optional) Adjust the date and time of the Health Log Entry if necessary.
- Click the SUBMIT button.
- In the Add Health Log Entries window that appears, click the OK button.
- In the Success window that appears, click the GO TO HEALTH LOG button to view your entries.