Prescreening is a customizable feature that allows you to prescreen your participants and employees for symptoms of contagious diseases such as Covid-19 so you can maintain a healthy and safe environment for everyone in your organization.
In this article:
The Template can be used to create the form that you want your participants to complete in the Prescreening feature. The Template comes pre-populated with four (4) standard questions.
The Template can also be used to add customized branding to the headings and descriptions in the Prescreening form. It is important to know that you must have Prescreening Edit permission to customize the Prescreening Template.
In this section:
Template Editor
The Template Editor allows you to add, edit, and delete questions in your Prescreening form. There are six (6) types of questions that you can add to your form, and you can decide whether to make a question required. You can also add a customized Tooltip to your question to help your participants understand what kind of information you are seeking. Please be aware that the Template Editor is unavailable for editing if you have unsaved changes in the Customization tab.
Question Types:
- Long Answer - Free text
- Short Answer - Free text
- Number - Numeric answers only
- Multi-select - more than one option from the list may be selected
- Select - only one option from the list may be selected
- Yes/No - Yes/No answers only
Add a Question
To add a question:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Template.
- Click the Template Editor tab.
- Click the ADD NEW QUESTION button.
- In the Select Question Type box, select the type of question that you want to create.
- Click the CREATE QUESTION button.
- In the Required section, click the Yes or No button to make the question required or not.
- In the Question Label box, type the question that you want to ask.
- (Optional) In the Question Tooltip box, type a tip to help participants answer the question.
- (Optional) If you are creating a Select or Multi-select question, in the New Option box, type an option, and then click the + button to add it to the question. Repeat this step until you have added all of the options that you want.
Important: If you type an option in the New Option box and do not click the + button, the option will not be added to the question. - Click the SAVE button.
- Repeat Steps 5-12 until you add all of the necessary questions.
Edit or Delete a Question
To edit or delete a question:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Template.
- Click the Template Editor tab.
- In the question that you want to edit or delete, click the Edit Question icon ().
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to edit or delete a question:
- If you want to edit a question, make any necessary changes, and then go to Step 7.
- If you want to delete a question, click the Delete icon (), and then in the Delete Question? window that appears, click the Delete Question button.
Important: When you delete a Custom question, you permanently lose access to any information collected through that question. When you delete a Default question, you can retrieve the information collected by adding it back to the Template. Deleted Default Questions will appear as options in the Add New Question list. - Click the SAVE button.
Add or Delete a Question Option
To add or delete an option in a Multi-select or Select question:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Template.
- Click the Template Editor tab.
- In the Multi-select or Select question for which you want to add or delete an option, click the Edit Question icon ().
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to add or delete a question option:
- If you want to add a question option, in the New Option box, type the name of the option, and then click the Add icon ().
- If you want to delete a question option, click the Delete icon (), and the option will immediately disappear.
Note: If you delete an option in an existing question, the answers from participants using that option will continue to appear in reports.
- Click the SAVE button.
You can customize the Prescreening form that your participants complete, including customized headers and instructions on the Prescreening Form, the Confirmation page, and the Submission page. You can use markdown language in the Customized instructions sections. Headers are standardized and cannot support markdown. Please be aware that Customization is unavailable for editing while you have unsaved changes in the Template Editor.
You can hover your cursor over a Tooltip icon () to see a brief description of the Prescreening page that you are customizing. You can learn more about customizing the name and description of the Prescreening feature that appear in the Provider and Participant Portal Menus in our Branding article.
To customize your Prescreening Form:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Template.
- Click the Customization tab.
- In the text box of the section that you want to customize, type the message that you want to appear.
- In the lower-right corner of the page, click the SAVE button.
Participant Profile View
Reporting allows you to filter for the participants you are interested in and view as well as print and export their Prescreening entries as a report. The Prescreening Entry View and the report include the name of the participant, date and timestamp for the Prescreening entry they submitted, and answers to the questions in your Prescreening template. In the Prescreening Entry View, you can also see any images that they uploaded. You must have either Prescreening View or Edit permission to filter and report on Prescreening entries.
You can export a CSV report of the Prescreening entries for which you filtered. The CSV report includes two columns, Reviewed By and Reviewed Timestamp, that allow you to add your name as well as the date and time that you reviewed each entry. It is important to know that any uploaded document, such as an image of a participant’s thermometer reading, is only available in the PDF Report.
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Prescreening Entry View and CSV Report
To view a Prescreening entry or export a Prescreening CSV report:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Reporting.
- On the Prescreening Browse Submissions page, add a condition or multiple conditions to create your Prescreening List.
Tip: If you want to remove a condition, click the X on the right-hand side, and remove all conditions to see all of your Prescreening entries. - Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to view a Prescreening entry or export a CSV report of the entries:
- If you want to view a Prescreening entry, click the entry and it will expand to show the participant’s answers to the Prescreening questions. Click it again to close the entry.
- If you want to export a CSV report of the entries, click the EXPORT button.
PDF Report
A PDF report will include any images that are uploaded by your participants, such as images of the thermometer reading. You do not have to expand the entries to print them. The entries automatically expand when printed.
For a PC, to print a PDF report of the Prescreening entries:
- Click the Reporting page.
- Press the Control (Ctrl) and P keys on your keyboard at the same time.
For a Mac, to print a PDF report of the Prescreening entries:
- Click the Reporting page.
- Press the Command (Apple) and P keys on your keyboard at the same time.
Filter for Prescreening Submissions
You can use the List Builder to filter for a list of participants who submitted their Prescreening forms as well as a list of those who did not submit their forms.
To filter for Prescreening submissions:
- In the List Builder, click the Add Condition button.
- In the Condition box, select Submitted Date.
- Click the middle box, and then do one of the following, depending on whether you want to create a list of participants who submitted or who did not submit their Prescreening forms:
- To create a list of participants who submitted their Prescreening forms, select submitted on.
- To create a list of participants who did not submit their Prescreening forms, select no submission for.
- Click the Date boxes, and then select the date of the submissions. Check out our List Builder article to learn more about how to utilize our List Builder feature.
Scheduled Reminders
You can customize and schedule multiple daily, weekly, and monthly Prescreening Reminders. With the Prescreening List Builder, you can send these reminders to all of your participants with current and/or upcoming registrations or to a smaller subset of your participants. Please note that you cannot schedule a Reminder without first selecting the filters that you want to use in the Reminder Filters tab.
In this section:
Create and Schedule Reminders
To create and schedule a Prescreening Reminder:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Scheduled Reminders.
- Click the Reminder Filters tab.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you have a Saved List you already created in the List Builder that you want to use or not:
- If you have a Saved List that you want to use, click the Saved Lists box, and then select the list.
- If you want to create a new list, click the Condition boxes and select your condition parameters.
- Click the ADD CONDITION button, and add more conditions to continue to filter your list of participants to the correct subset.
Note: You can see a list of the conditions available in our Condition Types article. - (Optional) If you want to save the list that you created so you can select it from the Saved Lists box in the future, click the SAVE LIST button. You can find more instructions on how to save a list in our Save and Share Lists article.
- Click the SAVE FILTERS button.
- Click the NEW REMINDER button.
- Click the Reminder Content tab.
- Click the Reminder Name box, and then type the name of your reminder.
- (Optional) In the text box, type a customized message that you want to include in the body of the Reminder email.
- Click the Start Date boxes, and then select the date that you want to send the first reminder.
- In the Never Ends section, do one of the following, depending on whether or not you want to add an end date to the reminder:
- If you want the Reminder to end on a certain date, click the No button, click the End Date boxes that appear, and then select the date.
Note: Reminders will be sent on the End Date. - If you do not want the Reminder to end on a specific date, click the Yes button.
Important: Reminders will not automatically be deactivated at the end of a session.
- If you want the Reminder to end on a certain date, click the No button, click the End Date boxes that appear, and then select the date.
- Click the Time boxes, and then select the time of day that you want the Reminder to be sent.
Tip: If you want to send a reminder the same day that you create it, you must select a time of day that occurs after you complete the reminder and click the SCHEDULE button. - Click the Frequency box, and then select the frequency at which you want the reminder to be sent (i.e., Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
Important: Do not click the Schedule button until you add your filters in the Reminder Filters tab. - Click the SCHEDULE button.
Edit or Delete Reminders
To edit and delete a Prescreening Reminder:
- Log in to your Provider Portal.
- In the Menu, click Prescreening.
- In the submenu that appears, click Scheduled Reminders.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you want to edit or delete a Reminder:
- If you want to edit the Reminder Content, click the Edit icon (), make any necessary changes, and then click the SCHEDULE button.
- If you want to edit the Reminder Filters, click the Edit icon (), make any necessary changes, and then click the SAVE FILTERS button.
- If you want to delete the reminder, click the Deactivate icon (), and then in the window that appears, click the Deactivate button to confirm.
Important: When you deactivate a Reminder, it cannot be reactivated.