We recommend that every organization develop a downtime procedure to help keep all participants and staff healthy and safe. In the event of an internet outage or power failure, you should be prepared with backup copies of important information such as participant health profiles, emergency contacts, and medication reports.
In this article:
Creating a Downtime Procedure
Downtime may be planned (scheduled) or unplanned (unscheduled), but both types require policies and procedures to help keep your campers and staff healthy and safe.
- Scheduled downtime is planned in advance for reasons including system maintenance, patches, and upgrades. Typically, scheduled downtime occurs overnight and only lasts a few minutes. We limit scheduled downtime during the summer months, and will always notify you before any scheduled downtime takes place.
- Unscheduled downtime is often due to environmental factors and is typically out of your control (e.g. internet outages, power failures). Typically, you will not know the length of unscheduled downtime, and how long before you are back online. When this is the case, you should be prepared to transition to a paper process until you are back online.
We recommend that every organization develop a downtime procedure. As part of your planning, we recommend you download and store a backup copy of every health profile to keep on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. These records can then be accessed without the internet. You should also consider saving or printing any other relevant reports for your organization (e.g. allergies, medications, emergency contacts).
Take into consideration the following:
- How will downtime and alternate processes be communicated to your staff?
- How will health staff document patient care during downtime?
- How will downtime documentation be transferred to the EHR once systems are live again?
It never hurts to have extra information, so we recommend downloading more than you think you will need in the event of an internet outage or power failure!
Downloading a Downtime Report
As part of your planning, we recommend you download and store a backup copy of every health profile to keep on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone.
To download all health records as PDFs to store offline, select the Custom option in the Reports builder. You can then Select All to include all the steps or all the questions within a step. If there are any questions you would not like to include, you have the option to uncheck the boxes next to them.
You can download the report as a CSV spreadsheet or as a PDF. If downloading as a PDF, you can choose to include Images from the Show Advanced Options menu.
Click the Create button to download the report.