Roster/Registrations is a feature in the CampDoc / SchoolDoc application that aids in roster management and applies to both organizations that use our online registration system as well as those who have a separate registration system.
This feature allows you to view, print, export, or download an alphabetical list of participants registered to specific sessions, including those registered to a waitlist, those who purchased an add-on, and those who applied a coupon for all current and upcoming or past sessions. Additionally, it lists the capacity for each session and allows you to search and filter for specific groups.
Roster/Registrations is an easy way to view all your sessions and quickly learn where your participants are within each session, while enabling you to generate roster reports quickly and make any quick registration changes to individual profiles.
It is important to note that by default, only current and upcoming sessions with at least one participant registered will be displayed.
Curious to learn more? Check out our webinar recording on Groups, Rosters, & Registration Setup!
In this article:
Roster/Registrations Overview
In Roster/Registrations, you can complete a variety of tasks to help you manage your lists of participants and sessions, such as viewing, downloading, exporting, and printing:
- registration, waitlist, add-on, and coupon information for all current and upcoming or past sessions
- registration information for specific sessions
- specific information for your rosters
It is important to note that you must have the View or Edit permission for Groups added to your Role in order to export roster reports.
How to Use Roster/Registrations
Current & Upcoming or Past Sessions
To view and export a spreadsheet of the registration, waitlist, add-on, and coupon information for all of your current and upcoming or past sessions:
- In the Menu, click Groups.
- In the submenu that appears, click Roster / Registrations.
- (Optional) If you want to see past sessions, click the SHOW PAST button.
- Click EXPORT.
Important: If you previously used the filter in your current CampDoc or SchoolDoc session, be sure Registrations is selected in the Show box and Name is selected in the Sort Groups By box. Otherwise, you will not export all of the registration items for your sessions.
Specific Sessions
To view, download, export, and print registration information for a specific session:
- In the Menu, click Groups.
- In the submenu that appears, click Roster / Registrations.
- (Optional) If you want to see past sessions, click the SHOW PAST button.
- (Optional) In the Search bar (), type the name of the session.
- In the Session menu, do one of the following, depending on whether you want to view the registrations, waitlist, add-ons, or coupons for the session:
- To view registrations, click REGISTRATIONS. You can also view birthdates, a sex-based division of the participants, and the capacity of the session.
- To view the waitlist, click WAITLIST. You can also view the date and time that each participant registered for the waitlist.
- To view the participants who purchased add-ons, click ADD-ONS.
- To view the participants who used coupons, click COUPONS.
- (Optional) If you want to export a spreadsheet that contains all of the registration, waitlist, add-on, and coupon information for a specific session, in the Search bar (), type the name of the session, and then click EXPORT.
- (Optional) If you want to download or print information for a specific Session menu item, click the item, and then do one of the following, depending on whether you want to download or print the information for that item:
- To download a spreadsheet, click the DOWNLOAD button.
Note: Downloaded files for Registrations and Waitlist include the date and time a participant registered. - To print the page(s) that are displayed in the format on your screen, click PRINT.
Specific Information for Rosters
You can also filter, export, and print specific information for your rosters.
To filter, export, and print information:
- In the Menu, click Groups.
- In the submenu that appears, click Roster / Registrations.
- (Optional) If you want to see past sessions, click the SHOW PAST button.
- Click FILTER.
- Click the Show box, and then select the registration item that you want to view. You can select from Registrations, Waitlist, Add-Ons, and Coupons.
- Click the Sort Groups By box that appears, and then select the order in which you want the sessions to appear.
- (Optional) Click EXPORT to download a spreadsheet with the information you for which you filtered for all of your past or current and upcoming sessions.
- (Optional) Click PRINT to print the information for which you filtered in the format in which it appears on your screen.
Important: If all of your sessions are not displayed, and you want to print the information for all of your sessions, at the bottom of the page, click the LOAD ALL button.