If you need assistance in creating or logging in to your CampDoc or SchoolDoc account, you are in the right place!
In this article:
Email Invitation
Some organizations use email to invite participants to manage their profile. When you receive this email, you must click the Accept Invite button to create a new account. If you have already created an account in the past or with a different organization, you do not need to accept an invitation. You can log in directly from the Login page.
It is important to be sure to use the most updated version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari to accept your invitation.
To accept your invitation:
In the Invitation email, click the green Accept Invite button.
Note: If you receive an error message that the link is no longer valid, you have likely already created an account. - In the Confirm Email box, type your email address in order to confirm.
- In the Password box, type the password that you want to use.
- In the Confirm Password box, type the password in order to confirm.
- Click the CONTINUE button.
Online Registration Link
If your organization is using our online Registration feature, they must provide you with a special link to register. This link can be a button on your organization’s website, or it can be sent to you in an email.
To register online:
- Click or copy and paste the unique link in an updated Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge browser.
- Do one of the following, depending on whether you are registering for a new account or you already have an account:
- If you already have an account, in the Email Address and Password boxes, type your login and password, and then click the LOG IN button.
- If you are registering for a new account, click the SIGN UP button, and then go to Step 3.
- In the Email box, type your email address.
- Click the SUBMIT button.
- In the new window, click the BACK TO LOGIN button.
- Go to your Email inbox, and open the CampDoc/SchoolDoc Account email sent to you.
- Click the link in the email to verify your email address.
In the Password box of the window that appears, type the password that you choose.
Important: The password must contain at least 8 characters, both uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number or symbol. - In the Confirm Password box, type the password again.
- Click the CONTINUE button. A new page will open prompting you to add the participant's demographic information.
Click the CONTINUE button. A new page will open prompting you to add the user's information.
Note: If you are not the participant, this is your information to be added.
Add your name, phone number, and mailing address.
Note: Your organization may activate text message alerts so that they can quickly update you in case of emergencies or other urgent news. If activated please indicate if you would like to receive text message alerts. - Click the Yes or No button to signal your preference for receiving text messages.
Note: If you want to learn more about activating the Text Message feature, check out the Enable Text Message Alerts article. - Add your mailing address. Click the CONFIRM button, and then click the SAVE button.
- Once all information is complete, you are finished signing up and can now register your participant for a session.
Early Registration
If you don’t already have a CampDoc or SchoolDoc profile, start by creating one using the link provided by your organization
NOTE: Even if registration hasn’t opened yet, you can still create your profile in advance. Save a payment method to your profile to streamline the registration process, especially if sessions fill up quickly. - Log In to Your Profile
- Once your profile is created, navigate to the main registration page.
- Click ‘Register for a New Session’ on the registration page.
When prompted, enter the Early Registration code provided by your organization (e.g., ‘earlybird’ or ‘VIP2024’)
- Click ‘Continue’ to proceed.
- If the code is accepted, you’ll move on to the next steps of the registration process.
- Complete the Registration Process
If you see an error message when entering the Early Registration code, double-check the code provided by your organization.
If the issue persists, contact your organization directly for assistance.
I never received an email to create an account; what do I do?
Please check your junk/spam mail folder. You may also want to add the domain name campdoc.com or schooldoc.com to your safe sender list or spam-blocker whitelist to ensure that you receive all communications. Your invitation is sent to the email address that your organization provides us, so if you have multiple email addresses, check the one that you used to register with the organization. If you recently registered with them, we may not have received the most up-to-date registration information yet, so it may take a few days before you receive an Invitation email from us.
I accidentally deleted the email you sent; how do I sign in now?
No worries! You can resend the Invitation email to the email address you used to register with your organization.
To resend your Invitation email:
- Go to app.campdoc.com or app.schooldoc.com.
- Click the SIGN UP button.
- In the Email Address box, type the email address you used to register with your organization.
- Click the BEGIN button.
- Click the RE-SEND button. The invitation will be sent to the email address you entered.
What if my registration link is not working?
If the registration link provided to you by your organization is not working, please reach out to them directly for the correct link.
How do I add additional participants?
If your organization does not use our online registration system, please reach out to them directly to add additional participants.
If your organization uses our online registration system, to add additional participants:
- In the left column, click the + NEW PARTICIPANT button.
- Add the participant’s name, gender, and birth date.
- Click the CONTINUE button.