In this video, you will learn how to complete forms for your participant.
00:03: Hi there. I'm Phil from the DocNetwork Training Team. So you've 00:07: registered your child for a program and now it's time to fill out all the 00:11: forms: your favorite part. In this video we're going to show you how 00:15: to complete your CampDoc or SchoolDoc health profile. 00:18: A few things to keep in mind before we dive into the how-tos: 00:21: Number one, throughout this video will refer to this section as health 00:25: profile as that's the default name. 00:28: However, due to organizational preference, some organizations have a different 00:32: name for this section, such as forms, profile, camper 00:36: profile, application, registration questions, participant/ 00:41: camper's information, participant forms. Just translate 00:45: accordingly. And number two, every organization will have different forms 00:49: than what you see here in our demo camp. 00:51: Each organization customizes their forms based on their particular needs. 00:56: So please understand what you see in this video is not what you'll see in your organization's 01:00: particular set of forms. That being said, when you login, 01:05: you'll likely find yourself on the participants' landing page, 01:07: that looks something like this. If we're here to begin filling out forms, 01:12: you'll click on the health profile option here, or in your case it may 01:16: say profile or application or forms or any of the other examples we gave. You'll 01:21: see a percentage here. In this case, 01:23: we see that Allie is at 20%, so we still have some work to do. 01:27: When I click on health profile, I'll come to a page that looks similar 01:31: to this. If your organization has customized this page, you may see 01:35: more information here than what I have in front of me. 01:38: On the right hand side, you'll get a quick glimpse as to all the forms or steps that we need to fill 01:43: out. A red dot tells us that this section is incomplete. Here 01:48: most everything is incomplete. You can either click on the steps individually 01:53: or select continue at the bottom of the page. If you select 01:57: camper information for example, you'll see boxes in red. 02:02: Anything red with an asterisk 02:04: tells us that that's required information. In our demo camp, 02:08: most everything is required. However, if you look here on the authorized pickup 02:12: step, you'll see we only require two authorized pickups. 02:17: And then number three, and four are optional. 02:20: So there's gray around those boxes. As you begin to complete information, 02:24: you'll see a few things happening at the bottom. 02:27: Your completion percentage will increase with every step completed. 02:32: Additionally, when a step is completed that red dot magically becomes a green 02:36: check. Thank you, magic. Let's look at the diet and activity 02:40: section as an example. Right here, our initial question is, 02:45: does camper have any dietary restrictions? We'll leave it at no, and 02:49: then move on to the activity section. Are there any accessibility accommodations 02:53: we should know of for campers to fully participate in the event. We'll say no. 02:57: And now that section is complete. You can see here at the bottom, our 03:01: percentage just went twenty to thirty percent complete. Additionally, 03:06: we have that magic green check. In the lower right corner, 03:10: you'll see the due date and lockout dates. 03:13: Due date is when your organization would like you to have all your forms completed. 03:17: The lockout date is chosen by the organization as well. 03:20: Any information completed by this date will lock and you won't 03:24: be able to edit without requesting permission. 03:27: This allows your organization a chance to review the information prior 03:31: to your participant arriving. Additionally, if you have any questions 03:36: specifically in regards to your program or organization's forms, you 03:40: can find contact information here. Finally, do you 03:44: have any questions regarding CampDoc or SchoolDoc? Specifically, maybe you're having some 03:48: sort of technical issue. You see that handy-dandy question mark up in the top right? When 03:53: you click that, that's going to take you to our support site and the pages 03:57: related specifically to the page you're on. If you're still 04:01: having trouble, you can select the contact us option at 04:05: the top of the page, which offers you three options to reach out to us 04:09: for support: a support request, the chat feature, 04:13: or by calling us. We've got a great support team right here in our offices ready 04:17: to help you out. Thanks for watching this video and if you have any questions, don't 04:21: hesitate to reach out.