In our exclusive webinar, 'Health Log & eMAR: Streamlining Health Management with CampDoc/SchoolDoc' we'll dive into the dynamic duo of features designed to revolutionize health tracking.
Discover efficient ways to manage health logs and electronic medication administration records seamlessly. Learn expert tips, explore real-world scenarios, and elevate your health management game.
Don't miss out on this essential session to unlock the full potential of CampDoc/SchoolDoc in prioritizing the well-being of your community
00:05: Well, hello everyone and happy Wednesday to you. 00:09: Welcome to our last feature webinar of 00:13: the Season we know you all are about to your ramping up and suddenly 00:17: people stopped attending webinars when when campers and participants are showing 00:21: up. So we're so glad you're here for the health log and team our webinar 00:26: curious with that idea of you know, everybody ramping 00:30: up. When does your first session start go ahead and throw it in the chat. 00:33: Let us know we want to know. No, what's that date? You're counting down 00:37: to maybe you've already started. Let us know that so we can have some empathy for you. 00:42: But yeah, I love to see it. I see June 8th, June 10, June June June 00:46: July. All right. Oh Cindy's got a little extra time. 00:49: They're so great to see ya. 00:51: Keep those answers coming. I think Kimberly's started already Kimberly 00:56: breathe. We're here with you. We're here to help you and encourage you just 01:00: breathe my friend. So awesome. 01:02: Well, yeah glad you're here. My name is Here with the docnetwork 01:06: training team will be joined in just a moment by my friend Rachelle and 01:11: you'll say hi to Rochelle little bit about myself. 01:14: I've been here for almost six years and a few different roles, but now 01:19: I get to be a part of our incredible training team and 01:23: we usually use the phrase small But Mighty but we still think it's pretty incredible training team 01:27: and yeah creating resources and content and webinars and all that stuff for 01:31: all of you. So everybody let's say hi. 01:35: Hi to my friend, Rochelle and welcome her in 01:39: Rochelle. Where are you? Where are you? I know you're coming along. 01:43: There. She is. I'm right here Phil. 01:45: Hi, Rochelle, who are you? And what do you 01:49: do here at docnetwork? Well, I'm a client success manager 01:53: and I have a great group 01:58: of clients that I work with and help them be successful using 02:02: campdoc or school but schooldoc or whatever it is. 02:05: That they're using absolutely and Rochelle is fantastic. 02:08: She's been Rochelle has been what two and a half years. 02:12: Yeah, almost three time flies when you're having fun. 02:15: So Rochelle comes from a background in secondary 02:20: education primarily, right? And there's all secondary, right? Yeah, 02:25: 25 years in public education. 02:27: Yep, so she's got a great perspective. 02:29: Yeah. I see Carolyn saying hi. Yeah as Gabby just called out if 02:34: you work with Rochelle and make sure to say hi in the chat so we can we can 02:38: you know help her know. She's got some of her friends here. 02:40: So and speaking of friends. We've got a good number of organizations registered 02:44: today. I saw a bunch of our jccc and Girl Scout friends YMCA 02:48: Tulane University. You've got a presence here today, the the mighty 02:52: mighty green waves are joining us. 02:55: So glad you're all here. Hey a few Zoom webinar instructions 03:00: for you before we get going. I want to encourage you if you have the ability 03:04: with a second screen. Sometimes it's easier to follow along in the app. 03:07: So I'd encourage you to go ahead and log into the app. 03:11: Keep in mind where cells going to be showing you a demo account today. 03:14: So it'll be look it'll be similar to yours. 03:16: Not not exact not the exact same but just want to give you a heads up there. 03:21: If you can't follow along you'd rather just watch Rochelle as she drives totally great 03:25: too. But just a heads up for you there additionally have your phone ready? We're going 03:29: to be flashing some QR codes on the screen periodically 03:33: where we're going to have some Interactive. Of moments and so you'll want that and 03:38: then finally keep the questions going. We've got our friend 03:42: Gabby behind the scenes and myself will be monitoring the chat and the Q&A 03:46: box. And so if you have questions there will get to 03:50: as many of those as we can if some of those are relevant to everyone will 03:55: take some time to ask those in the midst of this webinar 03:59: as well. So last couple things just kind of housekeeping 04:03: things. We always like to give as a reminder. We have some language here. 04:07: That's just kind of natural to us that sometimes other people go. 04:10: Wait. What are you talking about? Just so you know docnetwork is the parent company of 04:14: campdoc and schooldoc. So those things are interchangeable. 04:18: We may reference a lot of camp today. 04:20: But if you're a school totally fine, it still works for you likewise 04:25: participant and provider. 04:27: Those are language. That's our language for participant maybe Campers 04:32: or student something like that while provider is any one who has Access on 04:36: the back end of the system. So just be aware of that. 04:38: And then finally you may hear Rochelle or myself 04:42: just say casually say app we find that that confuses people 04:46: to sometimes so just know that that's kind of our in-house language for our application 04:51: the platform the campdoc or schooldoc. So it's not an app on your phone just for 04:55: some clarity there. So as you can see, yeah, we 04:59: want to know how long have you been using campdoc schooldoc? It's Rochelle. 05:04: It's always helpful to know. You know what kind of context people are coming here with so 05:08: we've got a lot of rookies with us today Rochelle. 05:10: We've got looks like about 3/4 of our friends today a little 05:14: less than that. Maybe have been with us for 0 to 1 year. 05:17: So that's awesome high five to you. 05:19: You're sitting by yourself. That's all right, give yourself high five two 05:25: to three years love that. You're coming here and sharpening your skills same with you for 256 plus 05:29: years. You've been here longer than I have so well done. 05:33: We're actually going to tag you in to teach the next webinar. 05:35: So awesome. Very cool. 05:39: Last thing I want to we're going to touch on the our 05:43: objectives and I think our agenda today so 05:48: learning objectives for Shell does her job today? No pressure 05:52: Rochelle. These are these are learning objectives you all walk away with 05:56: today. And the first one is to summarize the functionalities of the health 06:00: log emaar and the pre-screening tool. 06:02: What does it do? What does it look like? We may even 06:06: just hit on the pre-screening tool. We may mention it. 06:09: We know since we moved away from covid. 06:11: Most of our organizations aren't using that but we do have that for those who 06:16: need it. So customized health log locations and dispositions create 06:21: new health log entries for injury incident tracking create health log templates 06:25: to streamline health log entries. I'm telling you pay attention during that part that's going to be super 06:29: valuable for a lot of you and then chart medications using the EMR for safe 06:33: and accurate medication. Administration and tracking so all 06:38: right. And by the way, as I was thinking that to Rochelle unless we 06:42: said something otherwise in our agenda planning. 06:45: I think that that pre-screen earthing actually came on from a previous 06:49: webinar. I don't think we're planning on touch on that today. 06:51: So just as a heads up for you there and then finally 06:55: today's agenda dearly beloved. 06:58: We are gathered here today to work through the introduction will see that 07:02: review of learning objectives and then we're actually We change 07:06: this whole thing up and just didn't update this slide. 07:08: We're going to start on the health log health log overview and features will circle 07:13: around to the team our review of training resources and and then 07:17: a closing Q&A. So, alright, I think that's that Rochelle. 07:21: I've got you through here in the first seven minutes everyone 07:25: else. Your are you ready? Are you ready? Get your get your finger 07:29: clicking ready? Rochelle teach us the ways my friend. 07:33: I will do My best I am going 07:37: to let you know right off the bat that 07:41: I have a lot of material to cover today and I'm going to be moving through it very quickly. 07:46: I believe at the end you will have access to a recording. 07:51: So if I move past something a little quickly and you're not quite sure what 07:55: I was getting at you will be provided a recording and you'll be able to go back and maybe 07:59: watch that part again, but of course, you know, I'm here and there are other client success 08:03: managers that are happy to answer your questions. Ian's should we go over any thing 08:07: a little bit too quickly. So without further Ado, I'm going to Dive Right 08:11: In I guess I should probably share my screen first, huh? 08:15: I mean, it'll make it a lot easier. 08:17: You can guess their way through and while Rochelle sharing her screen, I'll say not 08:22: only will we send out that recording we're going to send a PDF with a bunch of resources and links. 08:26: So, yeah, so don't worry today, maybe a quick quick moment 08:31: in that section, but we'll send out some follow-up resources. 08:35: All right. Can you see my screen? Okay, Phil. 08:40: Perfect. Yes, I alright. So when 08:44: you first log into campdoc as a provider, you should see something 08:48: similar to what you're looking at right here on my screen. 08:51: Some of the options could be different. 08:54: It just depends on your provider permission. 08:57: So some of the options over here in this menu on the left including 09:01: Health login team are those are the two things that we'll be focusing most 09:06: on today. But before we get into the health login 09:10: email Amar I want to do a quick overview of the list Builder because 09:14: it's such an important part of our platform and it's something that health staff can 09:19: really leverage to their benefit. So when you log 09:23: into campdoc you should see the list Builder right here on the default 09:27: landing page if you're already in campdoc or schooldoc you 09:31: can click on profiles in the menu and it will take you right back to the list Builder. 09:36: I would say the list Builder by itself is probably the most powerful 09:41: tool in campdoc because it allows you to generate almost any kind of list. 09:45: You would need using the data that you have stored in 09:49: the app. For example, you could generate 09:53: a list of all participants who are at risk for anaphylaxis. 09:57: All you have to do is add a condition. 09:59: So I'm going to add a condition in the list Builder because right now I'm looking at active 10:04: participants. And I'm going to add 10:08: the anaphylactic anaphylaxis risk condition and 10:12: it's immediately going to filter that list of over 1,000 participants down 10:17: to 47. So I'm currently looking at 47 kids who are 10:21: at risk for anaphylaxis, or maybe you want to see 10:25: who's bringing an EpiPen to camp this year or two schooldoc. 10:36: Bringing epipens you can even filter 10:40: that list a little bit further by adding a specific 10:44: session. So for example, remember this 10:48: group select is one of our most popular conditions. 10:53: That's the condition that you would use any time you want to filter the 10:57: list down to just one grade level or one session. 11:01: So in this case, I'm going to filter it down to maybe Camp 11:05: maple. Leaf session one and you 11:09: can see now that there are six kids who are bringing epipens 11:14: to Camp Maple Leaf during session one. 11:18: It's as easy as that is so as long as you know how to use the list Builder you can 11:22: generate all kinds of lists and gather information that you need 11:26: within seconds. Maybe in this case instead of 11:30: epipens. You want to know how many of the 224 kids 11:35: who are coming to And one are bringing medication with them 11:39: you could add a condition and you 11:43: could say taking a camp is taking a camp 11:47: and you come up with 18 kids. So all of a sudden, you know, exactly 11:51: which 18 kids have said they're bringing medication to Camp. 11:55: You can even save the list that you create so that 11:59: they're easily accessible any time you log into campdoc or schooldoc. 12:02: So if you're constantly coming in and and 12:07: using the same criteria to make your list just save 12:11: your list. In this case. 12:14: I'm going to save a list of kids taking my medications at camp. 12:19: And you can decide if 12:23: you want to share that with other providers and then click save and 12:27: what happens then is any shared list that you create or that people share 12:31: with you will appear up in that default drop down 12:35: menu up at the top. 12:37: So it should be up here somewhere taking meds at Camp. 12:41: So definitely use that to your advantage because it'll 12:45: be a huge time-saver for you as you move through the schooldoc. 12:49: Your move through the Camp season. 12:53: It looks like I even noticed here that somebody's already created a shared list 12:57: with me for food allergies for kids that are attending Camp Maple Leaf 13:01: this year. So there the possibilities are really endless and 13:05: I really encourage you to look at that. 13:08: One thing I want to point out is that these lists are Dynamic 13:13: list. So what that means is we're looking at 13:17: a list of 92 kids. Who are bringing medication to camp this 13:21: year? Tomorrow if you pull the same list, 13:25: it could be 93 or it could be 94 because new kids 13:29: have registered for camp and there are more kids now bringing meds. 13:32: So each time you pull that list. 13:35: It's automatically going to update depending on you 13:39: know, there've been some changes keep that in mind. 13:42: It's definitely not static. All right. 13:46: So in terms of the list Builder, it's important to know also 13:50: that it works in tandem with Reports the 13:54: send message feature and with power tools all of these tools up 13:58: here at the top. So this is what I mean when I say it works 14:02: in tandem, let's say that you pull a list 14:07: of all the kids who are bringing medication to Camp you have these 14:11: 92 kids. And now you go to the send message feature. 14:15: You can send an email or a notification right from 14:19: the app by typing in a subject. 14:22: Line, did you know you'll get to decide who the replies should go to you 14:26: would type in your message and if you want to upload an attachment, 14:30: you can do that too. Maybe there's a form that you forgot to give 14:35: to them, you know new information that you want to send to the kids who are bringing meds 14:39: to Camp, or maybe you want to remind them, you know two days 14:43: before they arrive at Camp. Hey, don't forget to bring your meds and and this 14:47: is how they need to arrive at Camp so you can send a message 14:52: directly. Directly to these ninety two kids and you see at the bottom where it says 92. 14:56: The other thing you can do is you can pick and choose, you know, if you want to just send a 15:00: message to these top five kids you check the 15:04: boxes next to their names you can see there are five selected and you can send 15:09: your message just to those five kids. 15:12: So the list Builder is super helpful when it comes to sending messages 15:17: the list Builder also works in tandem with reports. 15:23: We do have a number of standard reports that I think are helpful to health staff 15:27: like the all medications report. 15:31: If you type that in you can see it here all medications. 15:34: We have an all allergies report. 15:36: There's an immunization standard report and in several 15:40: others because you know, so many of our organizations use these reports 15:44: that we decided to just you know, keep those reports accessible 15:49: to everybody in standard reports that said, You 15:53: also have the option of creating a custom report. 15:59: And this can be really helpful as you're reviewing, you know, the health profiles. 16:04: Maybe you want to run a report of all of 16:08: the kids who are all of the sorry the profiles 16:12: to see who has diet restrictions, you know who has said that they're gluten-free. 16:17: Maybe you need to provide a report to the kitchen staff. 16:20: So you would select which items you want to include in your custom 16:24: report and then you can choose to export 16:28: Either as a PDF or a CSV spreadsheet so 16:33: that can be really helpful. The one report that I thought I would 16:38: be worth showing you today, especially since I'm talking, 16:43: you know a lot about the health issues today is the immunizations 16:47: custom report if you wanted to see all 16:51: of the images that your families have uploaded in their health 16:55: profile, so you've asked them to please provide an image. 16:58: Each of your immunization record and you want to see all of those you 17:02: can create a PDF report. 17:05: I'd recommend a combined report and it can include just 17:09: images you would create the report. 17:14: And then when you go to your downloads tab, it'll be right there waiting for 17:18: you in the interest of time. I already have a prepared so that you know, we don't 17:22: have to wait for it and hold on just 17:26: a moment here. Oh my the 17:30: joys of which screen do I have it hiding on right now what it's now 17:34: the zoom toolbar got in my way. 17:37: Oh, yeah. No, no worries. I think we've all been in this day and age long enough 17:41: now where we know you know, the Ins and outs of the zoom 17:45: of the zoom stuff? Yeah. Am I back with you? Yep, we've got 17:49: it we can see the report. Alright, so this is the report that you would 17:54: retrieve from the downloads Tab and it's going to have 17:58: one page per camper and it's going to show you visually what they've uploaded 18:02: to their health profile. So, you know as somebody that works in the clinic, 18:07: maybe you're going through each of these immunization records and you're 18:11: making sure that it meets your criteria. 18:13: Syria so that can be very helpful. 18:17: The one thing I should point out is when you're using the list Builder. 18:23: And then you're running reports. Whatever list is showing 18:27: in the list Builder is who will be included in your 18:31: report. So if I run a report right now, it's 18:36: going to include the 92 profiles that you see her here. 18:39: So you just want to be careful that you're selecting the right group of kids before 18:43: you start running your reports to make sure you get everybody. 18:47: All right, once you have that wonderful file that's going 18:51: to You all of the images that were uploaded for immunizations, 18:57: maybe now you need to start checking off the ones that you have reviewed 19:01: and we have a tool for that. It's called reviews. 19:06: You can find reviews and notes at the very bottom of 19:10: each kids profile. It says review notes and 19:14: this list is completely customizable right now. 19:18: We're going to use the immunizations review and I'm going to say well Let's say it 19:22: said no, but I'm coming in here to say. 19:25: Yes. I've reviewed it and you can see where there's a time stamp 19:29: when I checked that box. So for each kid, 19:33: as you're reviewing the records you can go in and you can check it off 19:38: the beauty of this is and I already saved this list. 19:42: You can create a list called immunization review of everybody 19:47: who is has not been reviewed yet and 19:51: you can just start. Working your way down this list and check off each kid 19:55: as you see their their records and it will automatically reduce 20:00: the size of the list as you check them off. So it's a really neat tool 20:04: and I know I went through that really fast, but if you need additional help, you know, your client 20:08: success team can certainly help plus we have some great support resources for 20:13: sure. Absolutely. Gabby's Gabby's been loading us up with all sorts of 20:17: resources in here. So yeah, so utilize 20:21: those resources Click on the links and and again we're going to send you a PDF that's got 20:25: all of it in one spot here. 20:27: So great. There's a good starting Place For Us Rochelle, especially 20:32: context and we saw we have like three quarters of everyone's new. 20:35: So this is helpful. And as Rochelle said, this is the building block really this is the 20:39: understand your list Builder understand what it does and where you're going to pull 20:43: stuff and the reports and all that. So with that context in place, 20:48: we want to know grab your phone use that QR code here. 20:52: And we just want to know as Rochelle's about to jump into the health 20:56: log and all things health log and all the fun that that is we want to 21:00: know. Are you currently utilizing the health log? We know that there's a lot 21:04: of you saying, you know what we're curious about it. 21:07: We want to learn I know of some organizations that are kind of you know, that baby 21:11: step their way into into campdoc. 21:14: Maybe you didn't use Health login your one but you're too you're planning on it. 21:18: So, yeah, let's let's see what these answers result in here. 21:22: So hey, the more who add their information the 21:26: more you're going to help us out here. So so a lot of people are we've 21:31: got a lot of knows more than half right now are not using it but definitely 21:35: hoping to in the future or at least that's the only option you had and so you're saying you're hoping 21:39: to in the future and we've got yeah, 21:43: we got six percent who use it all the time. 21:45: So Rochelle, that's good to know. You've got a lot of a lot of people here who 21:49: are wanting to learn about the health log we've We've got you know, 21:53: just around 4:30. My math. 21:56: My fractions are bad here suddenly, you know a third dish 22:01: who want to get better. So I think that that gives us some good contacts. 22:04: So Rochelle, did you get enough a good enough breather there I 22:09: did but I actually wasn't done with my first session yet. 22:13: You paused long and I know I paused a little bit team laughs I know but 22:17: I want to go back because I want I was just about to show them tags. 22:21: All right. We'll hit tag quick and then will happen to the the health log. 22:26: Yeah, let me do that because if you're new here and you haven't used 22:30: tags that you really need to know about tags, and we've got some some 22:34: new content on tags out there that will send you as well. 22:37: But yeah, this is you know, this is always worth a quick hit. 22:40: This is my favorite feature in the app. I don't know if you knew that Rochelle I've decided it's my 22:44: favorite. Yeah. Yeah. I think I knew that and I do 22:48: want to clarify one thing. I noticed there was some chatter in. 22:52: And the chat there about the cost to send messages and I 22:56: want to make sure I haven't let anybody astray there is no cost to send 23:00: a message in campdoc or schooldoc meaning an 23:04: email message. If you're sending a text you would have 23:08: to purchase tokens for that and there is information on our support site 23:12: about that. But just wanted to make sure everyone knows you can send messages with no additional 23:17: cost now. Let me share the tag thing and I'm going to dive right into 23:21: the health law door. Health on right after that within each camper 23:25: or students profile you will see a tab 23:31: called Tags and basically it's just miscellaneous pieces 23:35: of information that you are assigning to your Campers or students 23:39: to help. You know manage your records They 23:44: this list of tags is completely customizable for your organization. 23:48: It could include things like cabins homerooms counselors. 23:52: Bus assignments or Swim ability. 23:56: So I definitely would encourage you to use tags 24:00: or at least give it a try. Try one. 24:03: Maybe two this year see how it goes. I think once you get the hang of it, you'll see how valuable 24:07: they can really be. All right moving into the 24:11: health log quickly here because I don't want to get too far behind. 24:15: We're going to send spend this next segment. 24:17: Just talking about the health log. 24:19: It is a great tool to keep keep a Comprehensive electronic 24:24: record of all the injuries and illnesses that occur at Campers 24:28: at school. So let's say that somebody comes into the 24:32: health clinic after they've been exposed to poison ivy. 24:35: You'll want to create a new health log entry to document the incident. 24:39: So if you look over here on this menu on the left, it says health log, 24:44: and I'm going to go to new And 24:48: to create a new entry all you need to do is identify your 24:53: Campers or student in the top. You can type the name in and they should pop up there 24:57: and you'll notice that right after I type Kathleen's name 25:01: a red medkit appeared over here on the right. 25:04: You should always pay attention when you see that red medkit because it means that the 25:08: child has allergies and or takes medications and you may 25:12: just want to hover over that to kind of see if there's anything you need to know 25:16: before moving. In forward that exclamation point 25:20: next to bees that means there's risk for anaphylaxis and you can 25:24: see the other allergies and medications as well. 25:26: So just wanted to point that out if there's nothing really that important 25:31: going on there the medkit will appear gray. 25:33: So the red one is the one you want to look out for you'll 25:38: notice that there's a time stamp here. 25:41: It will automatically default to the current time. 25:44: But if you get behind and you're catching up on health On health logs later 25:48: on and you need to backdate it. You can certainly do that. 25:50: You just can't put a time in the future. 25:55: We are going to move next down now to the chief complaint. 25:57: Now if you look through this list, you'll see there are tons and tons and tons of Chief complaints 26:02: and I promise you there's something in here that fits what's happening 26:06: in your clinic at the moment. I'm going to go ahead and type in Poison Ivy and 26:11: select that with the location. 26:15: You'll have to select something. Here and the good news is it is 100% 26:20: customizable for your organization. 26:23: In this case. I'm going to say she came into contact 26:27: with poison ivy while she was hiking. I will show you where you can 26:31: adjust the settings for the location list in a little bit. 26:35: I don't want to get off the screen quite yet, but just know that that list is customizable. 26:40: All right. Now we have customizable real quick Rochelle. 26:43: Let me just ask I haven't seen this question come up, but it is a popular question that people I'll often 26:47: ask when it comes to Chief complaints they say what can I customize my chief 26:51: complaints to and and and I did hear you say hey find something close. 26:55: Do you want to just speak to that real quick? Yeah, so some 26:59: people really like the idea of being able to type in whatever they 27:03: want to for the chief complaint, but we stick to a drop down list, I think for 27:07: consistency and Reporting. So, you know, if you have 27:11: somebody enter, you know an injury one 27:15: way and then the next provider and Enters it another way. 27:17: It makes reporting really hard. So we're trying to stick to sort of a standard list 27:22: and that's why you really can't do much editing. 27:24: But hey, if you ever find something that needs to be a chief complaint 27:29: and it's that in there, please let us know because we can certainly reach out to our development 27:33: team. Alright, so in the meantime, I have added the history 27:37: and assessment and a plan. 27:40: These are all required items. 27:44: And then once you filled out these sections of the health log, you have 27:49: the option of adding any thing that you see over here in this right column 27:53: for instant. Maybe you want to add blood pressure if you click blood 27:57: pressure. Now, you have a place to add the blood pressure in here. 28:01: If you want to remove it. You just click it again. 28:03: In this case. I think I'm going to add the OTC 28:07: medication because it says that a cortisone cream was applied. 28:10: So I'm going to go ahead and put in. 28:14: Cortisone 1% Now the one thing I want to mention 28:18: about the OTC medication. 28:22: This is a really cool feature because it communicates 28:26: directly with the OTC module that parents fill out when they're 28:30: completing the health profile. So let me show you what that looks like. 28:34: When a parent is, you know, going through the health profile answering all the questions. 28:39: They have a list of otcs that you have available at camp 28:43: and they can tell you either yes or no, you are allowed to 28:48: you know, apply this or administer this to my child. 28:52: The only medications that will show up in this drop down menu 28:56: are the ones that the parent has authorized. 28:58: So it's going to be different for every kid and it just kind of makes 29:02: it foolproof. You don't have to double-check any thing at you just know that 29:06: if the medication is in the list you are as a provider authorized 29:10: to give it to that child really cool feature, but you do 29:14: have to be utilizing the OTC module in order to make that work. 29:21: All right, one other thing over here. 29:24: You'll notice some locks that simply means that it's not optional. 29:27: It's a required part of the health log. 29:30: Template. Everything else is optional and 29:35: moving down. All 29:39: of your providers will be listed here. It will automatically default to you. 29:43: If you're logged into your account. This is one of the reasons why 29:47: we really encourage each provider to have their own account when logging 29:51: into campdoc because when they're administering medication or 29:56: making a new health log entry they you 30:00: want to know exactly who is making that entry or who's administering that 30:05: medication on your record and not just have one generic login. 30:09: For all providers that's not going to be helpful to you. 30:11: So we do encourage you to make a profile for each provider 30:15: and that does not count against your overall service capacity provider profiles 30:20: are completely free. Alright next 30:24: thing we want to add the disposition. 30:26: I'm going to say discharged and then if there's any file you want to add here like 30:30: I'm going to add a file of her poison ivy, but maybe 30:34: she went to the hospital and she came home or came back to Camp with a report. 30:38: You can upload a report there anything that would be related 30:43: to that particular entry. And then the only other 30:47: thing I want to mention here before I submit this as that there is an option at 30:51: the bottom to notify the authorized users in 30:55: most cases the authorized users or users are the parents but 30:59: it's basically anybody who has access to that child's account in 31:03: campdoc or school schooldoc and I guess I would just say, you 31:08: know, be careful. You certainly wouldn't want to notify a parent about a 31:12: head injury at Camp if they hadn't already been contacted, but I'm sure you 31:16: know that I just wanted to point that out. 31:19: So I'm going to say Do not notify and I'll click submit. 31:23: So now that you know, most of our organizations do prefer that do not notify 31:28: button but a lot do I mean depending on policy and stuff it certainly it's there 31:32: if you need it. Exactly. Yeah. 31:35: So now you can see that this health log entry is at the the top 31:39: here will probably head back to that in a minute moment. 31:44: But I wanted to point out to you when I was going through 31:48: an answering all the questions on that that template in there you notice that 31:52: I could sort of customize it a little bit and 31:56: you do have the option as a provider to create your own template 32:00: if I go back into let's see here if I I'm 32:07: in a new a new template now up in the top right corner. 32:10: You can load a template and right now on there quite a few custom templates 32:14: in here that have already been saved. I mean even as little 32:18: as you know, giving a kid a Band-Aid if you want to keep track of that you can have a template already 32:23: set up. So you're not adding and deleting different fields in order 32:27: to make your own template. What you would do is go to health log templates. 32:33: And then you would check all the boxes in 32:37: this list here on the left. 32:39: Any thing that you want to include maybe you want to include, you 32:44: know general for the physical exam the pain level. 32:47: Maybe you work at a diabetic camp and you want to include blood glucose on every 32:51: single, you know health log entry. If it's in Gray. 32:55: It means that it cannot be removed. It's not optional. 32:58: But any thing where you can check the Ox is something 33:02: that can be added to your custom template. 33:06: You can even have a field where you can upload a document 33:11: like I did with that picture of the poison ivy. So once you have 33:15: created your template, you can go back up to the top and name 33:19: it. And then decide if you want to share it with other providers and 33:23: then you would save your template and then every time you go in to 33:28: the health log, you can pull that template up right away without 33:32: having to customize anything. It's a really a great time 33:36: saver. I think all right a couple of more things before I turn it 33:40: back over to you Phil. You can view all of 33:44: the health entries simply by clicking on health log, or you can click View and 33:49: you'll notice that some of Names are in black and some are in red any 33:53: thing that is in black is finalized. 33:56: It's been completed and it can no longer be edited. 33:59: But if you see one in red it simply means that it's in draft form 34:04: still. It has not been completed and the 34:08: only person that can complete a health log entry. 34:12: That's still in draft form is the person who started it started the health 34:16: lab and if you have the option to edit you're going to see that little Little 34:21: red pencil over there this one, for example, I do 34:25: not have the option to edit. So it would have to be my own if I was 34:29: going to edit the health log entry. 34:33: You can filter this list in so many different ways very 34:37: similar to how you would filter in the list builder. 34:40: For example, maybe and by the way the filters right up here in the 34:44: corner before I Breeze by that. 34:47: Maybe you want to see a list of everybody who had a 34:51: concussion it Camp. So I'm going to say show me all 34:55: the chief complaints. That's a concussion. 34:58: And now we have a much shorter list that only shows 35:02: the Sense, but maybe you really just want to know 35:06: how many concussions happen during session one at Camp Maple Leaf. 35:10: So I'm going to add a condition. I'll say group select 35:14: and I'm going to go to let's see Session One Camp Maple Leaf. 35:19: And now the list is down to just I don't know we're down to 35:23: about nine. So these are all the concussions at week one of 35:27: Camp Maple Leaf another way to filter this list. 35:31: That might be be helpful is by provider so 35:35: I could go in here and say show me the list where the provider is 35:40: Jackson and you will see a list of all 35:44: of Jackson's Health entries. 35:47: So there are just infinite ways that you can filter this 35:52: list to make it work for you. 35:55: And then once you have filtered it, you have the option 35:59: of exporting that data in a number of different. 36:02: Or mats so you can export it as a CSV or as 36:06: a PDF any of those ways and you 36:11: know, keep it as a backup. So that's helpful to know. 36:15: All right. I want to cover. 36:19: Editing health log entries, but if you were listening a moment ago, 36:23: you know that you can't and there's a reason for that, you know, it's 36:27: designed to be tamper-proof. We don't, you know want people to be able 36:31: to go in and edit things after they've already 36:36: submitted them. However, there will be times that you're going to 36:40: need to make some you know changes or additions. 36:43: So let me show you how you can do that once 36:47: a health log entry has Has been submitted over here on the right. 36:50: You can click this little box with the arrow and it will expand it so 36:54: you can see the entire entry here. 36:58: Now. Let's say that, you know Kathleen 37:02: came back, you know an hour later and applied cool 37:07: wet compresses again, you know applied wet 37:11: compresses again. Whoops 37:16: two hours later and I can add this addendum 37:21: to the original health log entry. 37:24: So you see where it appears here at the bottom. 37:27: It's just a running entry. Now you can add as many addendums as you 37:31: want again. You cannot go back and edit the original but the addendums allow 37:35: you to add whatever information you need to add. 37:38: You may need to update the current disposition right now. 37:42: It says that this person was discharged. 37:44: But maybe they were so uncomfortable with poison ivy. 37:47: They had to go home. So we're going to change the disposition and save 37:51: it and you can see right here where I change the disposition 37:56: from discharge to home. And now the current disposition says home. 38:00: So even though you can't edit the original entry there are ways that 38:04: you can work around that and still have a very complete record. 38:10: one thing that might be helpful to know is 38:15: that if you have a situation where somebody 38:20: keeps coming back repeatedly for the same issue and you want 38:24: to link all of these visits together because they're related. 38:29: If you're in the original health health log entry. 38:33: You can click link to visit and what happens then is it creates 38:37: a new? Health log entry so you can 38:41: you know enter all of that same information again to show that she returned 38:46: and what the what the new update is and it will link those two visits together. 38:50: So let me show you what that looks like when you have 38:54: linked visits. There will be a little link 38:59: right next to the chief complaint. 39:01: So, you know that this entry here is linked to something else. 39:05: Here's another example of that. This this one is linked to the Entry 39:09: so let me show you what that looks like. When you expand that health log entry. 39:14: You can see all of the linked visits at the very bottom and you 39:18: can click into them to read each one individually. 39:21: So that's a really cool trick. 39:24: I don't think many people use it. But once you get the hang of that I think it makes a lot of sense 39:28: and it kind of ties everything together. 39:32: All right, a couple more things and then I'll hand it back over to you Phil. 39:35: I promise there are a few other cool features to know if you 39:39: are somebody who works in the health center in your 39:43: role is to go through every single health log entry 39:48: and and review it. Oh, I knew I was going to do that. 39:51: Bear with me. I clicked the wrong link. Heading back 39:55: just a moment. All right. 39:59: So you work in the health center, you're going through each and every health 40:03: log entry to just review it and make sure everything has been documented correctly. 40:07: You can Mark reviewed on each health log entry 40:11: and it will show in the running log here that it was reviewed by 40:15: you on a certain date and time. So that might be helpful to know also 40:19: you can print your health log entries right here. 40:23: You may want to print a pdf version. Maybe it needs to be emailed to the family or maybe a 40:27: hard copy. For some reason and then the other thing I'll point out to 40:31: you. Although we don't always recommend this unless it truly 40:35: is an error the person who created the health log entry can 40:39: mark it as an error if it is truly an error, but know that when you 40:43: mark it as an error, it will eliminate it from view. 40:46: So you want to be very careful when you select this option. 40:50: All right, last but not least. I told you I was going to show you where to find us. 40:55: I'm going to show you how to customize some of these. 40:58: Vlog list, so if you go to settings General There 41:04: will probably be a health log tab up at the top 41:09: from there. You will see all of your locations 41:13: listed and you can edit this list exactly how you want it. 41:17: If you want to get rid of a location hit the trash can if you want to add a location 41:21: you're going to type that new location in and click save that's how easy it is. 41:26: The other thing you can do is you can customize your list of 41:30: dispositions. So I have a list of dispositions, 41:34: but maybe there's something else you'd like to add again. 41:37: You can add it just by clicking that button. 41:41: I'm going to skip over triage but know that there is a triage function 41:45: for those health centers that are super busy that have multiple kids coming 41:49: in and multiple providers dealing with them and I'd be happy to go 41:53: over that with anybody if you think that would be helpful to you. 41:57: So for now I will pass it over to Phil. 42:01: Awesome. Thank you Rochelle. 42:03: You are your Rockstar. We've been answering questions fast and furiously 42:08: in the chat and we'll keep things moving so we can get to the emaar man 42:13: Rochelle shared one of the there several underutilized things, 42:17: by the way, she talked about the linking different health log 42:23: reports notes together and she's right. 42:26: I think that's absolutely underutilized and to be honest that really only 42:30: ever comes up in this. This webinar these are these are the folks who I think you'd 42:34: benefit from that. So definitely recommend that Additionally the 42:38: templates the templates where hey you're there are certain things you're doing day 42:43: in and day out right or like every every time it's the first 42:47: day of camp. You've got to do the lice check or it's everyone's 42:51: favorite. Can I just tell you while you're all giving your answers 42:55: here? We've got a few people typing go ahead and throw your health log templates there. 43:01: You know, give us some ideas because not just for us. It's for others last 43:05: night. My wife Rachelle. This is awful my wife woke up kind 43:09: of half asleep just scratched and she had something on her. 43:13: She's like I whatever and she woke up in the morning. 43:16: And there was a tick there was a tick that's right. 43:18: It's that season. So maybe it's lice checks. 43:21: Maybe it's tick checks. That's awful but murder. 43:24: Okay heebie-jeebie moment. So checking that's a great 43:28: one. We do our check in when everyone shows up. 43:31: We've got allergies. We've got heat issues. 43:35: Absolutely. Especially those of you who have camps July and August man that can get 43:39: rough bandage temperature infusion. 43:42: Yeah, that's great for especially a lot of our medical camps. 43:44: We know folks are running the same same tests or 43:49: sorry same Health logs as they go throughout the throughout 43:53: the week and if lactic risk bee sting and a couple others that I haven't 43:57: seen show up yet concussion concussion protocol if you have different staff, 44:01: that's that's a popular one as well, you know, a couple years 44:05: ago covid template was big maybe 44:09: you need something with different outbreaks that are happening at different places and that sort of thing. 44:13: So yeah. There you go, Rochelle. 44:16: We're going to move on to emaar any we're running a little bit behind. 44:18: It. Looks like we're about six minutes or so, maybe 44:23: a little more than that, but I know Michelle was saying hey Phil, 44:27: we've got so much content and she's right. So stay with us though. 44:30: This is this is great stuff Rochelle. We're not worried about it. 44:33: Keep us. All right, let's go in my friend. 44:35: All right, I'll do my best. Alright, we are going to switch 44:39: over now to the any bar the electronic medication administration 44:43: record, which allows you to keep track. 44:46: Of all medications that are being administered at your camp or School. 44:51: The really cool thing about the emaar is that it interacts directly 44:56: with our medications module. So let me show you what I mean by that 45:00: the stern zoom bar. Hold on just a moment folks. 45:04: So funny because we can't see it on our end. But on your any like it's right in the middle of 45:08: that drop down box you need so it is and it doesn't allow me to like 45:12: move it. It pops up right? I understand. 45:15: It's the joys of Technology. 45:17: Yeah. I do want to show you this though. 45:20: Hold on here. Okay, 45:26: I really want to be in the health profile. So I had this pulled up already 45:30: but Any way alright, so yeah 45:34: the best laid plans. So when a parent is filling out the 45:39: health profile and they're going through all of these steps answering all of the questions. 45:42: They're going to get to the medication step the vast 45:47: majority of our organizations use the medications module. 45:51: This is the medications module right here. 45:54: This is what allows parents to list all of the the medications 45:58: that their kid takes and all of the other relevant information 46:02: that you need to know. The reason I show you this is because whatever it is that 46:06: the parent is entering in this medications module is going 46:10: to speak directly with the emaar where you 46:14: are administering medication and recording it. 46:20: So it's a really cool part of our program. 46:24: When you open the emaar when you click on it, and that left column, you 46:29: should see a list of either campers are students who are scheduled for medication 46:34: administration since it's the afternoon here in Ann 46:38: Arbor, Michigan. It's defaulting to the afternoon Administration. 46:42: If I was, you know somewhere where it was 6:00 at night, 46:46: it would probably default to the dinner Administration, but 46:50: you can always switch back and forth between different times of day. 46:54: Going to this drop-down menu over here on the right. 46:57: So if I wanted to see, you know, the medication I have coming up at dinner. 47:01: I can click dinner or I can choose all 47:05: time. So it doesn't matter breakfast lunch dinner or whatever. 47:09: One thing that's important to know is that this list right here is 100% 47:14: customizable. However, you have to reach out to your client success 47:18: team for us to customize this for you. 47:20: So if you run camp in the morning and there is nobody there it you know, At dinner 47:24: time you're going to want us to take dinner out of the options. 47:29: But for now, these are all the options that are here and I have all times selected. 47:33: So these are all the kids that need to have their medication administered today. 47:41: For some programs this is going to be a lengthy list. 47:45: So it's really easy. If you want to just use that search bar at the top 47:49: to enter a student or campers name and they will pop right up in 47:54: front of you. So definitely utilize that search bar. 47:57: So Kathleen is just walked into the health clinic for her medication. 48:01: I've pulled her up and I can see that she needs Singulair at lunch. 48:07: Administering the medication if there are if there's nothing unusual about 48:11: the administration is really easy. You just click the give button and what happens 48:15: then is your initials will show as the person who administered 48:20: the medication but there's also some additional information 48:24: if you click on the three horizontal lines next to the initials, 48:30: you can see where I gave the medication at 3:48 p.m. 48:34: Today. So that's has been noted but also the schedule that 48:38: the medication follows what the medication is used for you'll 48:43: also have a list of allergies if it's you know, if this student or campers 48:47: has allergies and those that are at risk for anaphylaxis will be in 48:51: red text. And of course you always have that red Med kit that you can hover over 48:55: if you need to so this is sort of an expanded 48:59: view of each medication which you may or may not need 49:03: but if it's a simple Administration just click You're done. 49:08: There may be a situation where you need to add some additional notes, like maybe let's 49:13: see. Let's pick on another kid here and I already gave Kathleen 49:17: her medication. I'm going to go with Bobby right now. 49:21: And Bobby is just not wanting to take his medication today. 49:25: So I could choose a template here. 49:27: I could say patient refused or you can just type right in the box and 49:32: I would say not given and I would click save and now now instead 49:36: of my initials you're going to see this red exclamation point here. 49:41: So that would be helpful. The other thing to know is that there 49:46: may be a situation where you know, there's a group of kids 49:50: out on a field trip and they're not going to get their regular medication 49:55: at dinner time, but they're going to get it maybe around 7:30 when 49:59: they get back from the field trip you can you 50:03: can click pending and you can Just leave a note here field 50:07: trip or will take when they when they arrive back to camp and click save 50:11: so it kind of clears it out of your emaar. 50:14: But it also leaves this little symbol of a calendar that shows that the medication 50:18: is still pending. And then when you give it you would go back in and 50:23: change that that you actually gave the medication. 50:28: So I think that's helpful to know. All right, let me just take a breath 50:32: here Rochelle while you're taking a breath. 50:34: Let me you grab that breath and chili 50:38: sauce. I'm not sure if I'm saying your name, right Shelly search Elise asked the question right along those 50:42: lines. So you just showed, you know one example as far as a field trip. 50:46: They also asked about like maybe some late reporting. 50:49: Can you update the email later on if you give if you gave the medication while campers 50:53: was on a field trip, so right alongside with what you're saying, but they can also go Oh in 50:57: and show the and and adjust the time with in there as well. 51:01: Yep. Absolutely. And you know in some cases you 51:06: may just as a matter of general practice you want to 51:10: record the time that it was given or me. 51:13: Like what Phil was saying? It was given at a different time. 51:16: Like if I give it right now it's going to time stamp it right now, but 51:20: if you gave it say you gave it at one fifty-one 51:24: and you were out in the field and you weren't able. 51:26: All to you know record it you could actually say specify time 51:31: and put in the exact time here and click save just for your records. 51:35: So that's helpful. Now. 51:38: I'm going to go ahead and refresh this list. 51:40: You can see where The medications that 51:44: I was giving started to turn light gray and now they've just disappeared 51:49: from our list, but they're not gone forever. 51:51: You can click previous entries and it will show all the medications 51:55: that you've given during the day. The other thing you can do is you can click 51:59: only pending and that will show the kids who still need their 52:04: medication but for whatever reason it wasn't given right away and it's pending 52:08: right now, so that's that's an option. 52:11: So the other thing to know is that as needed medications 52:15: will not show in the emaar unless you check this box as 52:19: needed. So epipens, for example, they're not going to show their because they're not given 52:23: on a regular basis, but you can view them if you need 52:28: to moving 52:32: on. I want to get through this. I don't want to keep you too long. 52:36: We're doing good. Thank you. Thank you. So in terms of filtering 52:40: this list. It is very easy to do you 52:44: can filter it by group. So let's go back to that camp Maple Leaf session 52:49: one. I could filter it by just that particular 52:53: session. And now you can see we're down to just one kid the 52:59: other thing you can do and this goes back to the tags that I was, you know, 53:03: really wanting to share with you is maybe you just want to see all the 53:07: kids who are in you know, the Wolverine cabin. 53:13: So you would select that tag. I'm going to take this one off and see if we get anybody. 53:19: Nope, I picked a bad tag, but basically anybody who is tagged 53:23: in the Wolverine cabin, you could pull up and you'd have a list 53:28: just of those so that might be helpful at some point. 53:33: Okay? Oh, 53:37: this might be interesting. Okay, so bulk entry. 53:40: Let's talk about that for a minute because I did I did work in schools for quite a long time 53:45: and occasionally we'd have something like a snow day where school 53:49: would be cancelled or you know, maybe it's a camp and there's a tornado 53:53: warning and you've canceled camp in the morning and you just want you don't want to say that 53:58: you gave the medication but you'd like to maybe do a bulk entry 54:02: so that there's something there that shows what happens. 54:06: So if I did Bulk entry I could say on Wednesday April 24th 54:11: all times and I'm you can put whatever time you want to record it. 54:15: They were not given and you could just say a snow day. 54:21: And record it and then all of these records are updated 54:25: simultaneously and that note will be recorded and 54:29: for each child last feature. 54:32: I want to point out here before I quickly move over to profiles is history. 54:37: You can print or save a history 54:41: of all any Mars, it will give you the option of selecting a 54:45: start date and end date so you can do the entire summer or just one week or just one 54:50: day. You can also restrict it to a particular session 54:54: or a particular camp. And all you do is Click download 54:58: and you'll be exporting a spreadsheet where you'll have 55:02: all of that data. So that could be really helpful. 55:06: All right, last but not least. I want to make sure you know that 55:10: what you enter in the health log and in the emaar can 55:14: be accessed directly from a participants profile. 55:17: So let me show you how you do that if I go. 55:21: To Kathleen's profile and I click on health 55:27: log. There will be a record of all 55:31: of Kathleen's Health logs right there in her profile. 55:36: If you click on the medications tab, you will have a record of all the medications 55:41: that the parent entered in the medications module shows you the strength 55:45: the dosage frequency. And if you're tracking that medication, 55:49: it'll show you how many pills are you know at how many 55:53: doses remain if you click on a medication, 55:57: so I'm going to click here on Adderall right over here. 56:01: There are certain things you can edit you. 56:05: Let me I to click down at the bottom here where it says edit information. 56:09: It's not going to let you edit the name or the strength or anything like that. 56:12: But toward the bottom you have the option to edit some of these 56:17: things like maybe from now on you've been told instead of at breakfast. 56:20: She should take it at lunch so you can change that. 56:23: You can also, you know write some notes in here at the bottom about side effects special 56:28: instructions and you'll just confirm the change so that could be really really 56:32: helpful. The other thing and this is a big thing 56:36: with some of our camps is to click edit medication again, 56:41: maybe they're allowed to self-administer. 56:43: And you want that on the record. You can click that box, or maybe it's an emergency medication 56:48: like EpiPen that you'd like you'd like that noted as well. 56:52: So these are the types of changes you can make to medication. 56:55: The other thing is let's say that the child has 56:59: decided to stay for an extra week at camp and the mom brought in. 57:03: In 7 more tablets of Adderall 57:08: you can add if you're tracking the medication adds Seven Tablets 57:13: on this date if you want to write a note by all means and click fill 57:18: and then what happens is it will add it to the total quantity and it will continue 57:22: tracking that medication for you. 57:25: There is a way in settings for the emaar that you can be notified if you 57:29: get down to less than five tablets or if I Doses 57:33: or less than three. You can set that last. 57:37: I promise you Phil. I'm almost done. You can 57:43: let me go back here to medications. 57:46: Team are so from 57:50: the medications tab, you can see all of their medications you can see their otcs 57:54: and what they have permission to take but you can also see 57:58: a complete record of the emaar and all the notes that were entered 58:03: there. You can export the emaar history for yourself 58:07: or a family it will come out in a in a spreadsheet. 58:10: So that might be helpful as well. 58:13: All right, I I came back with two men. 58:16: It's to spare. It's all yours Phil. Nice. 58:18: Hey, leave your screen up there for a second Rochelle while I just show this because this question did just 58:22: come up and someone asked if the emaar if there's 58:26: an OTC Med that shows up and someone comes into the clinic 58:31: with a headache and we give them that as a r we record that as 58:35: a health log. Does it show up in the emaar? It doesn't necessarily show up in 58:39: the emaar but it does show up on you. 58:41: See the tabs up top on Rochelle's screen there that health law 58:45: guidde. Where you can see it in an individual profile, it'll show up there 58:49: as well. So that's where you would find that information. 58:53: So Rochelle great job. 58:55: You got us through a lot of content here and we're going to 58:59: just as we wrap up. We're going to share a bunch of resources here. 59:03: I want to show you those chip is saying Rochelle is the bomb a we agree 59:07: chip definitely popular sentiment here. 59:11: Hey one thing we want to make sure to let you know about especially as you all have 59:15: session. Eating soon. I'm not sure if you knew we do customized 59:19: trainings specifically for your organization where maybe your health 59:23: staff is all joining in the first week of May and you want as a health 59:27: Team to go through and have us in your app and specific questions that are 59:31: unique to you. We can do something similar to this today that Rochelle guided 59:36: us through we can do it for you and your team so just scan 59:41: that QR code gets more information, and we'd love to follow up with you. 59:45: So Additionally, we have a ton of free resources 59:49: those that customized training. There is a cost associated with that for this here. 59:53: These additional resources are all free Rochelle has 59:57: given you so much today to think of and think through and want to add 01:00:01: to your system and this is where you're going to find all those articles 01:00:06: and as Gabby's been sharing those resources. 01:00:09: We're going to put together a nice fancy schmancy PDF for you and 01:00:13: we'll send that your way here in the in the the next 24-48 01:00:18: hours last thing. I want to point out here. 01:00:20: You see that QR code there that is our training digest 01:00:25: and we have great resources. We have staff spotlights. 01:00:28: We have feature articles on different features within the app. 01:00:32: I would highly suggest for you to scan that And subscribe currently 01:00:36: that really just goes to our primary users for each organization. 01:00:40: So that's one or two users in each organization. 01:00:44: So if you would like to keep up, With us and find out what's going on different 01:00:48: announcements resources. We have a lot of awesome resources coming down 01:00:52: the pike. So I would encourage you to stay stay focused 01:00:57: on that. So awesome Rochelle. 01:00:59: I'm going to share my big takeaway that you that you shared today. 01:01:03: We often do takeaways and my big takeaway for you. 01:01:06: All is Rochelle talked about customization. 01:01:09: She talked about templates do utilize those 01:01:13: two things and you're going to make your life in those. 01:01:16: Those Health tools a lot easier both for repeatability 01:01:20: and customizing purposes. I would really highlight those for you. 01:01:24: So what Rochelle, what would be the big thing for you to get them to take away? 01:01:32: You're muted but you on the spot by thanking to I don't know. 01:01:36: I mean I go back to to if you're just getting started start 01:01:40: using tags. Try it, you know, try to use reviews because once you get the hang of 01:01:44: those things and the list Builder it just everything else just kind of falls 01:01:48: into place and it makes sense like those things are foundational. 01:01:51: Yep. No, that's great Rochelle. You did a great job. 01:01:54: Really? Appreciate you my friend. Appreciate the rest of you as well. 01:01:58: Your time is valuable, so it'd be Great help to us if you scan 01:02:02: that code and let us know how we did. 01:02:05: What was helpful for you. What are our takeaways? Thank you for those thumbs and clappy 01:02:09: hands and Chip. 01:02:11: We still haven't started offering these in Welsh. 01:02:14: So maybe next year this time. 01:02:16: So, all right, everybody have a wonderful day. 01:02:19: Thank you for joining joining us. 01:02:22: And yeah, we appreciate you all.