00:08: Well, good afternoon everybody. Well, I guess good afternoon for my East Coast 00:12: friends. And and I guess Central Central Time your East Coast good morning 00:16: for the rest of you folks further west glad you're with us. 00:20: My name is Phil here with the docnetwork training 00:24: team. And before we dive in and introduce ourselves, let's get some chat going here. 00:28: You'll see that the chat down in the I don't know the lower 00:32: corner the bottom love to find out, you know in those made-up 00:36: holidays not Saying we had one last week. 00:38: I'm just saying a standalone and those made-up holidays today is 00:42: apparently National clean your bookshelf day and National comfy 00:47: day. So I want to know which one are you more likely to 00:51: participate in would you would it be a hybrid holiday 00:55: celebration for you National clean your bookshelf day National come feed a 00:59: comfy comfy. I mean, I can't say I'm surprised I'm seeing some comfy days pop 01:04: pop up there. That's probably mine too. If there's any bookshelf Junkies No judgment 01:08: save space so well, my name is Phil been here at docnetwork for 01:13: almost six years now and yeah get to 01:17: be a part of our training team. If you don't find me here, you'll find me 01:21: at home with with my wife with our dog's 01:25: our kids are kind of like half-grown it really think Here There and Everywhere 01:29: so and yeah and you will definitely find 01:33: me celebrating cuff come feed a comfy but it's also 01:37: So National muffin day, I think tell me that's not to be celebrated together. 01:42: So yeah National muffin day. 01:45: Well I have with me my friend Kristen and Kristen 01:49: the world is dying to know at least those people on this chat. 01:52: Are you a national cleaner bookshelf day person comfy day. 01:56: I mean, I know the answer here, I think it's totally comfy day. 01:59: I mean, I don't know that I even have a bookshelf but you know, at least 02:03: I don't dust my bookshelf if I have one so, okay. 02:06: Yes definitely come feed. I'm guessing you don't dust this since you're not even sure if you have one 02:11: so yeah, I don't know. Okay fair enough. 02:14: It'll be really dusty if I do have one because it has never been dusted. 02:17: Yeah, there's some questions to be answered here. So well Kristen, why don't you introduce yourself 02:22: and what you do here a little bit about you, sir. 02:25: So, my name is Kristine Luke house key. I am one of the client success managers here at 02:29: docnetwork. I work with lots of different camps schools different 02:33: organizations. So I'm kind of your go-to person for 02:37: the Those people I help manage to answer any questions you have. 02:41: So we're going to go over some fun stuff of ledgers today in accounting 02:45: accounting. Yeah. Yeah, very loose term of accounting. 02:49: I'm going to tell you that and loose term of fun. 02:51: So that's good. Haha loose term of fun. 02:53: Yeah, but it's a necessary evil that we all have to deal with. 02:56: So yeah happy to get it get into it here in a minute. 03:00: Absolutely. Absolutely. Glad glad you're with us. 03:02: Kristin. Kristin has become a Ledger's and finance expert she here 03:07: in our software. She's going to deny it but I'm telling you I've been around some team 03:11: members and she does a fantastic job. So yeah, give a shout out and the 03:15: chat if you work with Kristen in the gray pods, so she you know, so she 03:19: knows that you're that you're here. So and and you earn bonus points with 03:23: her if you're here too. So I'm just saying those points can be turned in at the end of todays webinar for 03:28: one more slide. So hey a few things 03:32: that we're going to that I want to highlight before we get moving. 03:36: Why Why campdoc and schooldoc matter for you? We always like to 03:40: give this reminder at the beginning of the webinars. 03:44: I mean the truth is yes Ledger's and finances. 03:46: We love it just a little bit more than we love doing our taxes 03:51: at this time of year. But as Kristen said it is one of those necessary things right? Like we want 03:55: to make sure our campus profitable. We want to make sure our participants have paid. 03:59: We want to make sure schooldoc getting the right money's all that stuff. 04:02: So it's necessary and let's be honest every platform and software can 04:06: be different and can be configured. Using so what we do here is we want to 04:10: provide you tools and resources all the information is there but how do we find 04:14: it? And what do we do and ultimately, you know, we're going to give you those tools and resources 04:19: specifically in finances today, but even the software this platform 04:23: we do this because at the at the Crux of everything your 04:27: participants at summer camp can only have fun if they're safe 04:31: your students at school can only learn and 04:35: be educated if They're healthy and safe. 04:39: So like that's what we're here for. 04:41: We want to provide you the tools and resources today. 04:43: We're going to focus in on the finance part of it. 04:46: But yeah, that's the backbone of what we do. We've got all sorts of organizations here today. 04:50: I know we've got some parks and rec friends. 04:53: I've seen universities here today. 04:56: I see some my UNC friends and Florida. 05:00: Yeah. We've got YMCA Girl Scouts. 05:02: We've got friends from all over. So feel free to let us know where you're from in 05:06: the chat there. Well additionally Kristin's 05:11: going to be teaching us today, but you're going to have chances to ask questions 05:15: along the way you'll see the handy. Dandy Q&A box down 05:19: below. I would encourage you to utilize that that helps us to keep it all organized 05:24: our friend Gabby's behind-the-scenes. She'll be answering some questions. 05:27: If there's some that may apply to everybody will will shout those 05:31: out and answer some of those live. I do want to put the disclaimer out perhaps 05:35: in this webinar, maybe more than some of our Our other ones there may 05:39: be a good handful of questions where our answer is going to be that 05:43: really depends on your unique setup or a hey there's a few other factors 05:47: and so in those cases, we're going to point you to your your client success team and that's not 05:51: us trying to get out of answering questions. It's just a little bit of a unique portion 05:56: of the platform. So just I'm putting that disclaimer out there here today. 05:59: So few other things so you can ask questions. 06:02: Keep a conversation going in the in 06:07: the chat by the In the chat, I see Kristin Sarah Wilcox 06:11: says that you're the best. So that's that's a I like it already. 06:14: So nicely done Sarah a few other things to give you 06:18: heads up on some definitions. You're going to hear us say campdoc 06:23: or schooldoc if suddenly you panic and you go. 06:25: Oh wait, that's not us docnetwork is the parent docnetwork. 06:28: Mmm. I've got the gear going and docnetwork is 06:32: the parent company of campdoc and schooldoc. It's interchangeable. 06:36: It's so you may have have the other branding totally. 06:39: Okay Works in this in this situation. Additionally, we might say camper or 06:43: student participant those are all also interchangeable. 06:46: So just kind of apply that as appropriate and the other thing we realized 06:50: early on is that we say app a lot do not get confused. 06:54: We are not referring to your phone. 06:56: We're just referring to the platform the application. 06:59: So if we say app we do not mean your anything related 07:04: to an app on your phone. So hey, let's let's Pull 07:08: up here always fun to find out how long our 07:12: audience has been using campdoc in schooldoc. 07:15: So we're asking about you specifically not necessarily your organization. 07:19: So how long have you been using campdoc schooldoc? Let's we want to 07:23: see rookies. We want to see seasoned vets. 07:26: And by the way, this is a subject where we have, you know, seasoned vets who asked 07:30: lots of questions. So, you know, we're glad you're all here. 07:33: Look at this Kristen. We've got a good chunk ER or in that 07:37: zero to one year. I see a couple six-plus years at six. 07:41: They've they've been here longer than I have. 07:44: So that's yeah, that's that's impressive. 07:48: So so cool. We've got over 50 % 0 to 1 year two to 07:52: three years for 30% Yeah. 07:54: This is great. We've got ya 12% for years or more. 07:58: So that's awesome. Love to see that. 08:00: Glad you're here. This helps us to know how to shape these things. 08:04: So keep those questions coming today whether you are one you Or six years 08:08: totally okay there. So let's take a look at some our 08:12: agenda and learning objectives as you see here. 08:16: We're at the very first bullet right now. 08:19: Once we dive in and Kristen starts presenting the very first thing we're going to look at a participant 08:24: account at an individual participants their finances and what you can do and 08:28: then we'll get into The Ledger overview. We're going to talk about the the participant Ledger 08:32: and organization Ledger and then we're going to talk about general ledger codes GL codes 08:37: a lot of you have Miller there and some of you aren't even aware that these exist 08:41: and we're we can make your life a lot easier utilizing those so then 08:45: we'll give you some takeaways and resources at the end. 08:47: So these are learning objectives if we accomplish these 08:51: objectives will be feeling good will be feeling like this is a win number 08:55: one. We're going to read a participant's account Tab and know how to make necessary 09:00: adjustments. We're going to differentiate between the participant Ledger and organization 09:04: Ledger going to add light add line items. 09:07: As in the participant Ledger export and read Financial Ledger 09:11: reports explain the functionality and applicability. 09:15: By the way. I get 3 points for saying applicability. 09:18: So how was oppressive? Yeah. Thank you. 09:20: Thank you applicability of general ledger code. 09:23: So we also refer to them as GL code so just be aware. 09:26: We may be referring to them that way. 09:30: All right, Kristin. There's the there's the intro there's the welcome. 09:34: How are you feeling? I'm feeling good doing great. 09:36: Yeah. I'm ready to rock. Ready for some fun. I'm ready for some fun. 09:40: Absolutely. Alright friends. Get your get your learning hats on 09:44: by the way quick side note. If you want to follow along in your in 09:49: your platform in your account. 09:51: I would encourage you to do so, especially if you have two screens that may be easier. 09:55: If not, no worries were going to send some follow-up we will have this recording available for 09:59: you as well. So Kristen the proverbial virtual 10:04: floor is yours my friend. All right, can everybody see my campdoc? I 10:08: sure can you can all right, perfect. 10:11: So, yes, thank you everybody for joining us today. 10:16: I just wanted to kind of quickly go over a couple terminology points just 10:20: so that we're all on the same page when we're talking about users. 10:25: These are people that have that are authorized to make 10:29: changes on a profile. 10:31: So they are like the family member the parent Guardian maybe grandma or Grandpa. 10:36: Maybe it's the person themselves. But there are the users that are on the 10:40: person's profile. So they are the ones that would be filling out any of 10:44: those forms possibly paying for their camp or any of their deck tivities. 10:48: And then the profile itself is the participants area. 10:54: That's where we'll be going into is their profile. 10:56: So that's what I mean when I talk about those two things. 11:00: So first things first, we're going to go over what you can expect 11:04: with in the account tab within the profile. 11:08: We wanted to kind of go through a few different areas. 11:11: So we're going to show you how to go through and create 11:15: and deactivate a payment plan add line items process 11:19: payments and refunds how to void a transaction how 11:23: to setup miscellaneous light items and how to allocate funds to specific 11:27: programs. So to get started what I'm going to do is I'm going 11:31: to show you first how to create and set up payment plans. 11:35: So in order to do this because these are just a camp. 11:38: This is a fake account. I can't really actually process payments. 11:41: I don't really want to put my own credit card in here. 11:43: So I'm going to show you our support page, which is Amazing by the way, so 11:48: we can Kristine go ahead and write your credit card down. That's right. 11:51: Go ahead. Yeah, right. Okay, so I'm 11:55: going to show you our support page, which is amazing resource for you all. 11:59: This is we have both a participant support page as well as an organization 12:04: support page. So I just went right to the Participant account. 12:08: I just searched participant account, but there's a lot of great information 12:12: on this specific page including a short video. 12:16: If you forget how to do any of this stuff, you know, you don't want to watch me again do 12:20: all of it. There's a quick video right here. It's only three and a half minutes. 12:23: So it'll tell you how to do a lot of this stuff as well. 12:25: But if you scroll down I'm going to show you how to use 12:29: this area for the payment plan. So in order to create a 12:33: payment plan, I'm going to use these little areas here. 12:37: So when you're in a participants profile when you go into 12:42: the account tab, you'll see on the bottom. 12:45: There's a set up payment plan little I button when 12:49: you click on that. It'll allow you to enter in credit 12:54: card information or ACH information for the user. 12:58: So you have to have that information first in order to set up the payment plan or 13:02: if the person is already the user has already set up and 13:06: have they Ave payment saved onto their 13:10: user account you can utilize that payment that is saved. 13:13: So there's two different ways that you can do it. If they have a saved payment 13:18: already on file. It'll show up with the last four digits of the card 13:22: and you can utilize that then to create the payment plan. 13:26: Caveat users can set up their own payment plan and our support 13:30: team can also help them set up that payment plan so that you don't even have to be a part 13:34: of this but if somebody calls you and you really need to walk them through and 13:38: do this for them. This is how you would do it. 13:40: So you'd go ahead and click on the save set up payment plan 13:44: and what it will ask it'll pull up the amount that 13:49: is that you want to add in for 13:53: what they want to put their payment. 13:56: And for so how much they want to have for their payment plan. 13:59: It can be the full amount. It might be part of it. 14:02: It just depends on how you want to set that payment plan up then they have 14:06: a payment method right here. And so that's what I was meaning. 14:09: They might have a saved payment on file if they don't it allow you to enter their payment 14:15: the amount that you want to pay off and then how many months that you 14:19: want to pay this off? So this is based off of 14:23: a due date that you would set with your client success. 14:26: Jur during the onboarding process. 14:28: So we do have to set this up on the backend already during the review process 14:33: and you would tell us the date that you want your payment's due by so 14:37: that will determine how many months this could be paid off by so if 14:41: it's only two months away the day due date you could only put in two months obviously 14:46: and then you can also pick the day of the month that this would come out of there the 14:50: payment would be applied either to their credit card or come out of their checking and savings account. 14:56: And then there's a little caveat down here as well. 14:58: So it'll tell you your monthly payment how much that would be that it's coming out 15:02: on this day of the month in this is when the due date would be it'll 15:06: be the final payment will be on this date. 15:09: If you need to change any of that information, if you have to deactivate a payment plan somebody, 15:14: you know wants to take this off their their account again, 15:18: they can do that themselves within their participant or their user account. 15:21: Sorry, but it's super easy when you're in the account tab Bob 15:26: all you have to do is Click deactivate plan and click deactivate 15:30: in the plan will come off so that way they would have to go into 15:34: the user would have to log in go to their account tab to pay off the remaining 15:38: balance. So that's kind of it and when a payment plan is 15:42: active it will also say this payment plan is active it will tell you all that information of when 15:46: those payments are being made in all of that information. 15:50: So that is payment plans. 15:53: Hmm. Kristine I just threw in the chat while you're going back to the 15:57: other just as a reminder and you mentioned it but just make sure if you 16:01: want to have a plan payment plan you do have to work with your team to get that setup 16:05: super easy for us to do that. 16:07: But make sure you communicate with your Kristen and additionally 16:12: as Kristen emphasized your families can 16:16: set this up during the registration process as well too. 16:19: So, it's not just you know, it's not just on the back end for that. 16:22: So, yes, sorry. And you know what caveat these things 16:26: can only be used if you're using our registration platforms. 16:29: So if you're not using the right platform these things are 16:33: not accessible to you. You will not see them on your profiles. 16:37: You will not have an account tab your profile. 16:40: Your users will not have an account tab. You will not have this finances section 16:44: either if you don't use our registration platform, so 16:49: those if you're not using our registration platform and we import your participants 16:54: This information is probably not valid for very useful for you. 16:58: Unless you are thinking about using our registration platform in the future. 17:01: So thank you. Yes and Kristine. I will call it. 17:04: Sorry to interrupt you again, but this is some Jordan just threw us a question 17:08: related to payment plans and I thought before we got got too much further other 17:12: that your way Jordan saying once a payment plan is activated on the back 17:16: end can the payment plan be restricted to only be used on specific registrations. 17:21: For example for a 40 dollar camp. We don't want to allow payment. 17:24: Plan, but for five hundred dollar camp. 17:26: We may want that ability. That's a good question for everybody there. 17:30: Yeah. So if somebody when they register a payment plan doesn't have to be required 17:35: during the registration process, they could set that payment plan up during 17:40: the registration if they registered for both of the camps that would 17:44: like together. It would be set up together to the 17:48: payment plan. But if they're registering separately so they would register for that five hundred dollar 17:52: Camp separately they could set Up the payment plan just for that five hundred 17:56: dollars so you can make payment plans either required 18:00: or optional during that registration period 18:05: when they're go when the per user is going through that registration, you can 18:09: make them required for unpaid balances. 18:11: So say you collect a deposit of maybe part of the tuition cost 18:16: and you want them to set up a payment plan for the remaining balance. 18:19: We can set it to read be required for that remaining balance. 18:23: But yeah, it's to say that they can't it's 18:27: kind of a they can because it'll be on their account. 18:31: So they'll have this balance due and it all goes 18:35: into one pot. So they might set up a payment plan for the five hundred dollars 18:40: initially, but technically they could go back in redo their payment plan 18:44: to include the additional $40 if that makes sense. 18:48: Hope that makes sense cut. Yep. 18:50: You're good. Okay, so next 18:55: part we're going to do add line items. 18:59: So we're going to add line items and process refunds. 19:03: So here you'll see on the account tab when someone registers 19:08: that if there is a tuition involved with the registration or 19:13: deposit, whatever it might be the the tuition 19:17: will be shown here. So this is the full cost of the registration would be $150 19:22: on this first line item. And then we have another tuition 19:26: of the second registration. That's $475. 19:31: If you see anything in red that means that someone has either removed money from 19:35: that account or they've paid towards the the the 19:40: the account balance. So it's a negative number. 19:43: So here we did have an external payment so somebody paid outside of The 19:48: campdoc or schooldoc account and maybe they brought 19:52: in a check or cash to you. 19:54: And so you want to make sure that you add this to their 19:58: account so you can do external payments. 20:00: So that way you can see that this has been applied to 20:04: their account in the money would then come off of the balance? So 20:08: if you needed to add in say a coupon or 20:12: you needed to add in a miscellaneous line any maybe you give out scholarships, so 20:17: these These Are A Miss we call them miscellaneous line items for things 20:21: that you need to attribute to the account. 20:24: Yes. I don't know scholarships. 20:27: Gosh, I don't know throw something out there Phil. 20:29: But any way there you can add a line item here by 20:33: just clicking on the add line item. There are lots of different things that you 20:37: can do with add line item. You can put in a payment. 20:40: So if they have a payment method on file you could if 20:44: they called and said I want to make a payment they can docnetwork. 20:47: That themselves. However, if you want to do it on the back end for them, you could put then apply 20:51: a payment for them. If they had a payment on five payment method on file you 20:56: can issue a refund. If you need to you can collect 21:00: an external payments o of cash check or card. 21:03: If you were doing that within your own office, you can add that. 21:08: Maybe you need to collect a donation somebody calls and wants to donate to your organization 21:12: amazing. You can add that in as well. 21:15: But miscellaneous line items are kind of a big thing that that happened a lot. 21:20: So these can be in positive or negative amounts. 21:24: So if you needed to add on another charge, you know, somebody came 21:28: in and wanted to buy a water bottle and you wanted to put it on their account. 21:32: I don't know you could do that here but a lot of times it's 21:36: you're taking money off and many instances especially 21:40: like scholarships. So that's a big one that we see a lot so you 21:44: can type in anything you want here for a minute. 21:47: Any slide item, but you can also set up miscellaneous line items and 21:53: I'll show you where to do that. But you can then have a list of miscellaneous 21:57: line items that you use very often and if you all then 22:01: utilize this little drop-down menu, it helps to streamline when you 22:05: go to report on what those miscellaneous line items are so that 22:09: way, you know, Sally isn't saying scholarship 2024 and Matt 22:14: saying like scholarships I don't know 22:18: for the fun of it. 22:20: I don't know like, you know the right something like totally off the wall. 22:24: It's really nice for reporting purposes to have that streamlined. 22:27: So in order to add the miscellaneous line item you either type that in or select 22:32: something from the drop-down that you've already created and if it's a negative 22:36: amount you do need to put in the - so because as we're going to apply this 22:40: scholarship to Ali's account, we're going to do a - 22:44: and let's say we give her $100. 22:48: And we're going to go ahead and submit this. What is nice. 22:50: It'll say I want to add a hundred dollar payment to Ali's balance. 22:54: So then the remaining balance will be $515. 22:57: So you do get a little like warning in case you forgot that - it'll say it's applying 23:02: a positive amount and it would be more than taking it away. 23:06: So you can add that line item in. And 23:10: boom, there we go. There's our scholarship. 23:13: Miscellaneous, and her balance now is five hundred and fifteen dollars. 23:19: So then if you want to add in those miscellaneous line 23:23: items if you want to go into add in the types of miscellaneous 23:27: items that you have you can go into your settings. 23:30: Now, you do need to have permission depending on your role within your organization. 23:34: You do need to have permission to go into your settings area to change. 23:38: This information so you may need to contact somebody within your organization 23:42: to do this. But under the settings in general you 23:46: have under registration line items 23:51: and here is where you can add any of your descriptions for any of the line items 23:55: that you want to collect. You can remove them at any time. 23:58: What we suggest is adding dates in here so that you can tell 24:02: from year to year what those miscellaneous line items are when you are reporting. 24:08: All right. Let's go back to Ally. 24:12: Well, it's going back and and that's loading for Kristen. 24:15: She's she mentioned the dates. She talked about streamlining the the numbers 24:19: that's one of the biggest takeaways. 24:22: I hope you all get from this is is if it gets messy in there, 24:26: it gets really tough to track it. So absolutely, you know, you want to streamline 24:30: and keep the naming conventions all as similar as 24:34: possible. All right, so we've been 24:38: showing you the account tab, but there's also things that you you can do within the registrations 24:43: tab to apply payments or information 24:47: to the registration itself why that can be important that's 24:52: for reporting purposes. If you want for allocating funds to specific 24:56: registration. So say you have your Camp a 25:00: needs to go into this funnel of your account and 25:04: can't be needs to go over here and you need to allocate those funds over into another, 25:08: you know, checking account debit account, whatever it might be so it's really important that 25:12: when you are adding in any line items or coupons 25:17: and add-ons that you were attributing them to the correct registration. 25:21: So you can do that by going into the registration Itself by clicking 25:25: on that registration and you can see that there's an edit registration 25:29: here. If you have any add-ons you have coupons 25:33: available. They will show up underneath here. 25:36: So you can select these for your participants. 25:39: If they weren't done during the registration process. 25:43: This is specifically important. If you're registering someone on the back end 25:47: you can add these in during that registration portion or 25:51: if maybe somebody just forgotten they're asking you to help them out to add this in so 25:55: you can add on any of these things to your registration itself. 25:59: Maybe you needed to add on coupon because they forgot to apply 26:03: it so you want to be a nice person and give them that coupon but you can 26:07: also add in line items here so you can add in a custom 26:11: adjustment and then this would be just like a miscellaneous line item, but 26:16: it's actually being attributed specifically to this registration. 26:20: So if a part of user goes back in they know they got like a scholarship 26:24: specifically for the specific camp or registration that they were going to so 26:30: sometimes that doesn't matter. You that's totally fine. 26:32: You can do it in either one, but this is a little bit more detailed to 26:36: that attribute that to the specific registration. 26:39: So maybe we needed a room rental for this Good Old Camp because 26:43: you know, we they everybody has to pay their fee to hang out 26:47: in this room so we could add that to it and we can review 26:51: changes confirm the changes that coupon got added and then when 26:55: we go under you'll see we're still in the registration tab. 26:58: So this is all of this these little lines right here saying that 27:02: this these are being applied to this specific registration. 27:07: Okay. So when we go back into the account, it'll do the same. 27:12: So you can see that there's these little arrows saying that these two 27:16: things are attributed than to the the saplings. 27:19: So when you do your reports it'll show that those are coming either, you know applied 27:24: to that specific registration. All right, 27:28: allocating funds still kind of what I'm talking about before but you can 27:32: do it differently here as well when you have payments. 27:36: So if you have an external payment, I already did this here. 27:39: So you can see there's this little icon here showing that there's this 27:43: money is being allocated to a specific registration 27:47: our system will do it itself and 27:51: what it does is it'll pay off one registration first, and then it'll 27:55: move to the next registration and pay off those. 27:58: Was balances that way if you want to allocate the money specifically 28:02: to a specific registration when somebody makes a payment 28:07: in here, if you have like an external payment and you're adding it on the back end you can go 28:11: into attribute this fund this money in however way 28:15: you want. So this was for $10 you can see my to registrations 28:20: are right here. I attributed all of the money to the session 28:24: one, but you could split it up and add five 28:28: dollars to each so when you go to do your reporting you can see 28:32: how much money would be then needed to split off into your to a different 28:36: accounts if needed. That all 28:40: making sense my yep, your you did well 28:44: there I think it can be it can be confusing admittedly. 28:48: But as Kristen broke it down there in the simplest of numbers, you know, 28:53: you have the ability to go in and apply those funds to 28:57: particular to a particular session. 29:00: They're so awesome. 29:02: All right, great stuff there Kristen today. I'm not cutting you off. 29:05: Am I no, no, no, cool. Great. 29:09: I have one. Two more one more thing so void transactions. 29:13: So if someone makes a payment on any credit card or 29:17: debit card and they need to avoid they call and they're like, oh, 29:21: you know, I don't want this, you know, can you please take it off for me? You 29:26: do have the option to void a transaction. However, this must 29:30: be done pretty much immediately you only have it's usually less 29:34: than 24 hours because you cannot void a transaction once 29:39: it has been processed. Just so typically a CH we process between 29:43: 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. Eastern time credit cards are usually a little later 29:47: there about 1:30 to 4:00 a.m. 29:50: And so once they are processed, you can no longer avoid that transaction 29:56: when you go into the actual payment, you'll see that there's 30:00: this little void button right here. 30:03: It's grayed out which means I can't avoid this transaction. 30:05: So if that that if we've already processed, 30:10: Team, it'll be it'll be great out. 30:12: If you can process a void it'll be available for you to hit and it 30:16: can then be avoided and it they won't have then that transaction on their account. 30:20: If it's if it's not able to be avoided you would have to go 30:24: in and actually go to add a line item to 30:29: then refund that payment method that they have if 30:33: they've removed the payment method that they used on file. 30:37: They've reviewed removed that and since they met add the payment 30:41: they the user will need to go back in and add that payment method 30:45: the same one that they used to back to their account. 30:49: And then that way you can issue the refund once they add that 30:53: payment method back to their account. Alright, I think 30:57: that's it for the account tab. 31:00: I think so, I think so. We covered some serious ground there. 31:03: Thank you. Kristin had some good questions along the way and 31:07: I know this is a shocker for you Kristen that were running running behind which 31:12: is just kind of what we do on all of our webinars. 31:14: So so in just a minute we're going to move ahead to The Ledger overview, 31:19: but the one thing I want to point out to you keep an eye on the the chat 31:23: Gabby's been adding a lot of resources to everything. 31:26: Kristen has been sharing and likewise. 31:29: We're going to send a follow-up resource. But if there's something like allocating funds 31:33: that's definitely beneficial for you all grab that link that's 31:37: thrown in the chat bookmark it and check it out afterwards. 31:40: So, all right. So we move on to Ledger's Kristen Ledger 31:45: is my favorite. Awesome. Legend is our 31:49: cousin. That's the little mmm. All right, so 31:53: we have two different types of ledgers within your account we have amas. 31:56: A participant Ledger in an organization ledger. 31:58: So these are both located under your finances tab in your provider 32:03: account. So this just gives an overview of kind 32:07: of the difference between the two. So the participant Ledger this 32:11: is whatever transactions between your participate with participants in 32:16: your organization. So any type of donations any type of purchases 32:20: adjustments those things that I was showing you within the account tab with those 32:24: line items any thing like that. At that's what's going to show up in 32:28: your participant Ledger. Then you have the organization ledger. 32:32: So these are transactions between your organization in docnetwork 32:36: whether you use campdoc or schooldoc. 32:38: So these are payments that we have made back 32:43: to you. So any type of payouts that we send back to you from your 32:47: registration dollars that you collect any type of refunds 32:51: that might need to be issued. Maybe there's chargebacks ACH 32:55: returns. Are those all show up in 32:59: the organization ledger, so I'll show you those 33:03: in a few minutes and let me go 33:07: here. All right, so for both 33:12: of the ledgers this will contain historical data 33:16: if you've been with us for you know, one year more, so you'll see 33:20: these three boxes at the top of your Ledger's and 33:24: so you might be like wow. I had nine hundred forty eight hundred thousand 33:29: dollars this year. No, this is historical. 33:31: So this is forever how long you've been with campdoc or schooldoc? So 33:36: the debits this includes any refunds credit card charge backs ACH 33:40: returns and payouts that have occurred on your account the 33:44: credits this includes all payments made to your organization in 33:49: the organizational Ledger. The credits actually include all the payments made to your organization 33:53: - any processing fees and then the balance is the difference between 33:57: the credits and debits. So that's a little bit of overview on that 34:01: top portion. So, how do you use the participant Ledger? 34:05: What are we going to do with this thing? So this can help you to 34:10: filter on different areas, depending on how you want to utilize 34:14: this data. What's really great about this 34:18: information on the participant Ledger is that you can split your line items 34:22: how I showed you how you can allocate funds based off of Different 34:27: registrations, you can use split line items in the filter 34:31: to actually see how that money where that money is going because it'll 34:35: split it out by the registration type if you allocate the funds 34:40: or will they get on my just didn't ignore that? I just said that they automatically 34:44: get allocated but you have to use the split line items in order to see them. 34:48: So that part I know can we race to go back? Nope. 34:52: Nope. It's live. Alright, so the few 34:56: Things on here that you need to know about there's an export button. 35:00: There's a print button and then there's a filter button. 35:03: So if you want to just export this how it is, you can export it 35:07: into a CSV and you can go into the spreadsheet 35:11: and manipulate your data. However, you'd like but if you want to actually filter 35:15: this down first and then export it you'll want to click on this little filter 35:20: item. So this this area here you can this 35:24: is the start date that you would have You can so you can you know 35:29: filter It Down based on start date and end date. 35:32: So that would be based off of when the transactions actually happened. 35:36: You can filter on different types. So if you need to pull a list of 35:40: how many add-ons you've had and so you need to see you know, how many water bottles 35:44: we've you know gotten paid for us because you need to purchase or 35:49: yeah, you need to order these water bottles. You could do that. 35:52: You know, maybe you're you want to see how many do donations you had in 2024. 35:56: Or you can then do that. And if you click on these areas you 36:01: can then you want to hit search and then it apply your filters 36:05: and it would just pull up any of your donations and then you can export this to a 36:09: CSV and like I said and then you can manipulate your data. 36:13: However, you like what that sample looks like. 36:16: I have a participant sample here in this is what the 36:20: information will come over as though these are all just our camp Maple. 36:24: This is not any sensitive data. But so it'll tell 36:28: you there's transaction IDs a timestamp the profile 36:32: information the name of the participant and 36:36: then you have your description now, I didn't do donations just donations 36:40: here. This is everything so you can see the different types of payments in 36:44: the description. So you have your tuition you have your external payments you 36:48: have anything that you've adjusted on the line items your 36:53: add-ons your coupons and then it'll be the Mount over here, 37:00: you'll have your whether it is a debit or a credit and 37:04: then here it'll tell you if it's a split line item. 37:07: So I kind of highlighted these two here. 37:10: So you'll see you'll notice that this payment this was a five hundred 37:14: dollar credit, but it was split between these two registrations. 37:19: So when you're looking at this $225 37:23: was attributed to this session one and two hundred. 37:26: $25 was attributed to session to so you have 37:30: to understand how to look at this data in order to then, you know find out totals 37:35: but this is what how this makes it a little easier to if you need to split 37:39: up where your payments have are going to within your own accounting. 37:46: And then I care it'll also tell you more information like 37:51: your GL code in this is a really great way to utilize GL codes. 37:55: We'll talk about those in a few minutes, but these would be attributed to the payments 37:59: and that way you can even filter NGL codes to see where that those payments 38:04: should be applied within your accounts. 38:07: so lots of information within the participant Ledger Any 38:12: questions on those that I need to absolutely no, you're doing great 38:16: there one question and and Shannon. 38:19: I'm hoping that I'm getting getting your question right here. 38:22: Shannon asked if you could again clarify the payouts in debits 38:26: for participants what is included as a payout showing 38:31: in the participant Ledger? Like if they make a payment, 38:35: I think I think that's what she means and Shannon feel free to show throw some 38:39: extra context there. If I'm not framing your question right there said what 38:43: is included as a payout showing in the participant Ledger? And again, we're going to come 38:47: to some of that here in a little bit when it comes to the organization Ledger 38:52: because that's where we'll see what's taken out and that sort of thing, but 38:56: maybe I think you're heading down the right path here. 39:00: Kristen is I am yeah, so there's payments there's External payments 39:04: and then there's even refunds so it depends on what you're looking 39:09: for, but you can filter on those different areas. 39:15: So let's just do these payment and external payment. 39:17: So these will be payments made from the user to their 39:21: account for any registrations or charges 39:26: on their account itself. So if I hit search, it'll 39:30: show me because this is a test account. 39:33: Count we don't really actually have payments by credit cards because we 39:37: don't want to cut our own money out your skin into putting your credit card in. 39:40: No, I really don't want to just test it out made a fake money be great. 39:44: So you can skin here that this would pull up any of the payments here. 39:48: So there's a lot of checks cash. So if I go ahead and let's 39:54: see if I can export this and it may be hopefully we'll and them up pretty quickly and chant and in this 39:58: may be helpful to especially in this participant Ledger side of things. 40:01: Think about this too as In a paper world. 40:04: This is just your Ledger's and all that stuff. 40:07: Right like on the participant Ledger. We're not seeing the actual payout what's showing up 40:11: in your bank account quite yet. I mean will the actual 40:15: payout and I'm just trying to address questions that you might mean. 40:19: The actual payout is where we'll see what we'll see in the organization ledger. 40:23: So Crystal it doesn't like me. 40:25: So yeah, I'm not on my normal computer. 40:28: So apparently I don't have Excel access on this so the 40:33: payments Yeah, I would show here based off of you know, what type of 40:37: payment it would be. So it would tell you if it was a external payment a 40:41: payment a refund and then you can then go from there 40:45: based off of the amount that would be processed. 40:49: So technically the credit was 500 but the amount was 40:53: split between these two registrations. 40:55: So it depends on how you want to it depends on how you're utilizing the data how you 40:59: need to then util use this spreadsheet? How you 41:04: kind of search for your information? So I don't know if that really clarified 41:08: any thing that I think it makes sense to me. 41:11: Right right, and again whether Channon or someone else if we didn't quite get 41:15: to your question there feel free to send your follow-up question to to 41:19: your to your client success team because they can help kind of parse 41:24: that out a little bit more as well. 41:26: So and one question I'll get to live. 41:28: I started typing an answer, but I'll address this. 41:30: Karen was asking. 41:34: First we care and I were messaging as far as 41:39: the dates up top and as Kristine pointed out or I'm sorry the debits 41:43: credits. That's historical if your organization is passed that first year 41:47: and might be a little more confusing and then Karen said well if I wanted 41:51: to get all debits and credits from January 1 to today, what's the best way and 41:55: that's as Kristen just showed you use those dates the date filter there and 42:00: then I would export the data once you've once you've added in there. 42:03: Type that you want and then Karen said do I need to go ahead and do it in Excel? 42:08: I would use those dates first to narrow 42:12: down your filter are sorry to narrow down your field and then export 42:16: it and play with it in Excel from there. 42:18: So yeah and and Karen had a follow-up question 42:23: might as well address to it's a good segue one. 42:26: Why is there such a big difference between what's on participant versus org 42:30: Ledger's that's a good question there Kristen. 42:33: By participant I'm going to assume I'm going to assume what you mean is like how come some of 42:37: the numbers are different especially on those boxes up top. 42:42: Keep in mind. And again without knowing the specifics of your question. 42:46: We could be talking about things like processing fees and we could be talking about 42:51: things that that show up externally versus money that's 42:55: actually processed through the system and 42:59: that sort of thing. So again without knowing your Their 43:03: account Karen. I'm not sure, you know specifically what it is that's 43:08: affecting yours. But any thing else Kristen that you might address 43:12: with that? Yeah, so the difference I believe with 43:16: the organization Ledger with we're talking about these top areas 43:20: here like you can see I don't have any money here because 43:25: I haven't collected any money through this account. 43:27: So if you have a ton of external payments, it's not 43:31: going to show up here in the organization Ledger because we're Not actually processing that money. 43:35: So if there's this the organization Ledger only shows 43:39: money that has been collected through our registration platform 43:43: or through the through I should say I docnetwork through campdoc schooldoc. 43:47: So it's only processing that so if you're collecting checks and 43:51: cash and different things it's not going to show up here on the 43:55: organization ledger. So that's why there's going to be differences because the participant 44:00: Ledger this is showing any type of charges. 44:04: For on their account. 44:06: I when I say charges it could be an external payment but it's this 44:11: will show you everything that's on those line items. 44:14: So it's everything that's been brought in to your account. 44:19: And then so any of the tuitions and then it would be the payments 44:23: that those users have paid. And scholarships 44:27: all of that. So that's all in this area. 44:31: And that's a good good segue here to talk about the organization 44:35: Ledger. I'm already seeing questions coming up in the chat as well about questioning 44:40: or questions about general ledger codes. 44:42: And how do we you know certain things we're going to get to that here right after this organization 44:46: Ledger part. So so stay tuned there if that's something you're curious about. 44:50: So I'm just gonna hit on this really quickly because I think I did see 44:55: a question about this and I did want to hit on this at the end 44:59: of your season. It's really important for you to clear out in 45:03: zero out your balances because if you don't they'll carry these balances 45:07: over to the next year and it can make your accounting a little messy. 45:11: I'm not saying that you have to do this, but it's very it's 45:15: very difficult to run reports when you have outstanding balances based off 45:19: of the last year's registrations. So in this balances 45:24: tab you can see How do you balance has you can see people that have been paid 45:28: in full great job people those people that are outstanding and let's send an email 45:33: and those that need refunds. So these people are real important. 45:36: You probably should refund them and maybe they don't maybe there's a reason 45:40: that they have a refund or they have a balance. 45:42: So that's when you go in and you'd go into the account there a specific account 45:47: and you can just click on this and it'll take you right to Justin Cole's you can on that 45:51: balance and you can go ahead and attribute a line item to them if 45:55: you just Just need 20 out their balance and that way you start fresh every 45:59: year and it'll be a lot easier for your reporting. 46:02: You can export these as well and you can also find them within 46:06: your reports. I'm sorry within your list Builder. 46:10: If you wanted to send a message to these people you can add a condition 46:14: and you can search for balance and there is a balance condition 46:19: and that way it would then sort. 46:21: Whoever had a balance on your account. You can select these people in symantha. 46:25: Send them a message another great thing. 46:28: We have this balance due reminder. I know people don't read their emails, but at 46:32: least it goes out without you having to do anything. 46:35: And so if you don't have this enabled you might want to enable this 46:39: balance due reminder. So that would go out on the Cadence that you would set 46:43: and you can even send them a nice little body Custom Body to tell them 46:47: that they need to pay. All right, so back to 46:52: our organization Ledger. In 46:56: your CSM should remind you during like dear we call them end-of-season 47:01: calls. So kind of when your season wraps up. We try to take a look at this and make sure that if 47:05: you do have any type of balances we try to tell you remind you to take a look 47:09: at it. I know nobody probably wants to do that by the end of the season because you're already burn 47:13: out and I don't want to do it but it's really important. 47:15: So alright organization ledger, so it's kind 47:19: of boring here because again, we don't collect any money in this fake account. 47:23: So in the In Ledger, what you normally would see would 47:27: be payments that were have been made by credit cards and checking 47:32: because those are being processed through our system here. 47:35: And then any payouts payouts are back to your organization. 47:39: So once we collect money in your balance it it 47:43: is 500 dollars or more per day. 47:46: We will then send you a will will send that money over 47:50: to the account that we have on file that that evening 47:55: so Once your account hits 500 that will then initiate that 47:59: evening and usually see that between five and seven days within your account. 48:04: So this is an area again that you can filter you 48:09: can filter on the start and end date of those transactions. 48:12: You can filter by type again. 48:14: I don't have a lot there so I can't really filter on this. 48:17: It's pretty boring. Sorry, but you can if you wanted to see 48:21: all of your payouts and then see what you were getting you can do that. 48:25: That the biggest thing a lot of people ask about is how do I know 48:29: what payments have gone into my payouts? So I 48:34: have a sample organization Ledger here. 48:37: I've had to remove a lot of information. 48:39: So any thing that you see in the orange or light orange, whatever color 48:43: peach maybe let's call it has been erased so you 48:48: can see that there are different IDs. 48:51: We have an identifier for the profile their name and then we have the 48:55: Ian, so these would be payments made by the user to 48:59: a registration what you'll see here is the amount that was paid 49:05: and then I'm sorry the amount that was given to you all and 49:09: applied in then this would be the processing fee. 49:12: So this would I'm sorry. No, this would be about the amount they paid and 49:17: then this would be the processing fee. This would be what you are then being credited 49:22: to your account. Sorry had that backwards. 49:25: So you'll see if it's a debit or credit on that account so that way 49:29: you'll know. This was actually a refund 49:34: but you'll see that you can add up the amount of processing 49:38: fees. And that's how you know, like what you're taking in 49:42: versus the processing fees because you're not taking in these amounts. 49:46: This is not the amount you're taking in you're actually taking in. 49:50: No, that was right. Oh my gosh, I am 49:55: backwards Phil. Take it over Kristen. 49:57: I'm busy. I was answering a question. 49:59: So I'm actually clueless and I'll actually make it all sound worse right now. 50:03: So I'm sorry apologize the amount that was actually charged 50:08: on the amount. And then this is the processing fee that was removed. 50:12: So this would be what you actually took in. 50:14: So I apologize. This is actually what you would want to total up on the 50:18: bottom and see I told you I hate accounting. 50:21: This is this is not my strong suit. Always takes me a second because I 50:25: will be honest. I'm not any here every day. So you can actually add up the 50:30: amount that were collected versus the processing 50:34: fees. And then this is actually what we pay you out and that would 50:38: then go into your account once your account hits five hundred dollars or more per 50:42: day. There is a lot of 50:46: other information on here just like user information the confirmation 50:50: number that was used so that you can see that that actually He was processed 50:55: and all of that information. So any here, I don't know if 50:59: I have a payout. This one's actually not the best one 51:03: to use. It's a little bit they actually had more we 51:09: only pay out up to 100,000 dollars per day. 51:11: So they actually had more than a hundred thousand dollars on their account 51:15: to pay out. So we have to pay it out in a hundred thousand 51:19: dollar increments Lucky them right some organizations are like I want that. 51:23: One, yeah, right. Yeah one. Yeah, you're lucky. 51:26: So this does make it a little bit more difficult to see what 51:30: what payments were then processed within that payout. 51:35: So this is where you would have to pull in your participant Ledger utilize 51:39: your organization Ledger and basically put them together to then figure 51:44: out your you'd have to do a little bit of a County math 51:48: within your your spreadsheets to see when it hits a hundred thousand dollars 51:52: on the dates and then That's how you have to go in and figure it out. 51:56: I'm not going to do that here. You can always talk to your CSM and we can walk through that a little bit more. 52:00: If you need help on how to process that it's much easier. 52:03: If you you know, you don't have such a large amount. 52:07: Typically, what you could do is you'll see a payout and everything 52:11: below that before the next payout would be then what went into 52:15: that pay out. So it'd be all these payments would then equal a hundred thousand 52:19: dollars and then you're like, oh those are all the payments that went into my payout if 52:23: you need That GL codes this is why geocodes are important. 52:27: So let's talk about GL codes and that's perfect segue as you're working 52:31: your way over that Cheryl just asked why don't the GL code 52:35: show up in the organization Ledger CSV. 52:37: I need to break out our payouts by GL code into our accounting software 52:43: and there's a column for it, but it's blank and so Cheryl I we 52:47: feel your pain area and yeah, we'll work with you on this and your 52:51: your team will want you afterwards to reach. 52:54: Talk to your client success team because they can they can work with you on this. 52:57: So yeah, unfortunately GL codes do not show up 53:01: at this moment on your organization Ledger. 53:04: They will only show up on the participant Ledger because there are attributed to 53:08: those specific the 53:12: specific line items. So how I told you how to attribute funds, 53:16: you know, this person paid 500 dollars, but it went into 53:20: two different funds in your GL codes. 53:23: Because what is showing on the organization Ledger is $500. 53:27: It's not showing these to 275 or well, that's not even 53:31: correct, but 275 and 225. 53:33: It's not showing those two on the organization Ledger because that's not what 53:37: that person paid on their credit card. 53:40: So it's only showing the transaction itself on the organization Ledger. 53:43: Whereas in the participant Ledger it breaks it out by line item. 53:47: So it does get a little tricky. 53:50: So there have you know Excel if you're not a great. 53:54: Excel person. I apologize, but we can try to help you to manipulate 53:58: this data as well. So please reach out to her CSM and we can explain how to do 54:02: that a little bit further. But yes, you're GL codes will 54:06: show up. Where's the GL code down 54:10: here. So these DL codes will show up here and 54:15: it'll help you to then collect what money would be then 54:19: attributed into that that fund. 54:24: So a little bit about g l codes. Let's go into 54:28: your groups. And while you're setting that up to questions that I'm seeing the same one. 54:32: Can I as you said a little bit about geocodes can you see geocodes 54:36: in the org Ledger or only participant Ledger or how can I filter by GL 54:40: code on the participant ledger? So there's a there's a couple to set you up there Kristen. 54:45: Perfect. And I apologize. Let me go back one second because I did 54:49: forget about your account information how you get paid out? That's pretty important. 54:53: If you don't know already if you have not used our registration. 54:57: And you have this payouts tab under the organization Ledger. 55:01: It's very important to keep this account information up-to-date. 55:05: This is where we will send your money when your account hits 55:09: five hundred dollars or more per day. So make sure that you have this 55:13: set up and it is correct. And then you will see all of your payouts here. 55:17: Obviously, there's none but you can see all the payouts in historical data 55:21: in this area Okay GL codes. 55:26: If you're going to your groups and registration set up GL 55:31: codes can be found in this section. 55:34: So let me just show you here and I'm going to tell you how we can apply these to your to 55:38: your account as well. So under when you click on any of the registrations, 55:42: you'll see there's a general ledger code box this 55:46: we can import this data for you during your your build 55:51: during the first part during the review when you send us your new groups 55:55: for the Here we can put in a section of column 56:00: to include your GL code and we can import that data for you. 56:03: It's very important that we have this GL code in place before registration 56:08: opens because it will not retroactively add a GL 56:12: code historically Kristen as the kids say for 56:16: those in the back. Will you say that again? Yes, it's very 56:20: important that we have your GL code in place before 56:24: registration opens. Can you get people to register because it will 56:28: not apply your GL code retroactively so we can't 56:32: go in today and apply this GL code to Prior registrations 56:37: or anything else. It would be from today moving forward. 56:41: So it's very important that we do this during the review process. 56:45: And if you forget you can or you need to change it you have the option to go in here 56:49: and change it but you can always ask your CSM to add that in at 56:53: any time that you need that added in. 56:55: In so when you this would be where 57:00: you would see your GL code the GL code doesn't matter to us. 57:03: We don't do anything with this information. This is all your information. 57:08: So these general ledger codes it, you know, I would hope that you would have 57:12: an actual, you know, maybe a counting number or something else 57:16: that what you would want to use. But if you don't like you would just want to set up, you know 57:20: a number so you that you need to be able to filter on it. 57:24: Just make sure you have a key for later. To know which ones which but 57:28: that's basically we don't use this information in any way. 57:30: It's all for you when you report on your on your information 57:35: to see where those funds should be allocated. 57:41: Nope, I think that's really all about DL coats can say I think that's I 57:45: think that's it there Gabby put some resources in there. 57:48: And again as we dive into some of the nitty-gritty questions, you might ask 57:52: about GL codes. This is really where your 57:56: CSM will shine. This is really where the uniqueness of your account matters here. 58:01: Again, the big takeaway here as Kristen said is make sure to get those 58:05: set up a four-year sessions go live. 58:07: I know some of you are going to know it's a little too late. 58:09: Yeah, that's fine. You can still do it going forward and you know come up with 58:14: a plan for all those that you missed Kristen great job. 58:18: You covered a lot of ground. I know you're probably going to take a good nap afterwards. 58:22: That was exhausting and I know you all probably have a lot more questions 58:28: just in the last minute or two here. We're going to share with you 58:32: a couple big takeaways actually just in the interest of time. 58:35: Let's just skip ahead to some resources our upcoming webinars. 58:40: We want to share with In March, we're going to do 58:44: our next feature webinar on attendance and messaging and 58:48: then we'll have another new provider webinar. 58:51: We do those every third Thursday of the month and I would encourage you to do that while 58:55: I share with you in just a minute some resources. 58:58: Go ahead and throw in the chat your big takeaway for today. 59:01: This will help us know. Hey, what was really resonating for you? What was helpful? 59:06: What is something that we can focus on for future webinars as well. 59:10: So go ahead and throw that information in the chat while I share some additional resources 59:15: for you want to let you know one thing we're really excited 59:19: about is we now offer customized organizational individual 59:24: training session so we could do this specifically for your team and we've actually done 59:28: it with a couple of Christians organizations already and you know, 59:32: you can say hey training team, we want to learn about Ledger's and 59:36: we want to learn about, you know, the registration setup 59:40: or hey, Want our health Team to sit down and have a training on the health log any Mr. 59:44: We can do that. There's a cost Associated but it's a customized training specifically 59:49: speaking your organization's language. So additionally we do have lots of free 59:53: resources support site articles tutorial 59:58: video library online course online courses, 01:00:02: you can do at your own pace. We've got a number of different subject and those are those 01:00:06: are growing as well. So and then here's the address as you can reach out 01:00:10: to your your team to see and so I'd encourage you 01:00:14: to do that. Finally do us a favor. 01:00:17: If you don't mind. I'm just saying gang last time our last survey. 01:00:21: We only had like two people respond. 01:00:23: So why don't we Crush that number and just if you could take 38 01:00:27: seconds and grab this QR code and let us know how we did that 01:00:31: super helpful for us as I look here as we wrap 01:00:36: up. It looks like Kristen zeroing out balances definitely helpful, 01:00:40: and I know I saw some National stuff in the chat great great 01:00:45: best practice their GL codes and a reason why they're helpful. 01:00:49: Absolutely, and we've got more coming down the pike on that and seeing Kristin and person. 01:00:53: You know what that's what we say around here. 01:00:55: Every day is usually our biggest takeaway to so miscellaneous 01:01:00: line item set up for consistency payment plans. 01:01:03: Absolutely talk to your team member or your client success manager for your payment 01:01:07: plans care and great questions today, Karen. 01:01:11: And thanks for everything big takeaway getting more comfortable with participant and org ledgers Gabby 01:01:15: shared it. We've got a great PDF. In fact, the one that Kristen shared the the visual 01:01:19: save that to your desktop while you're getting familiar and you can remember which one you'll find where 01:01:23: that might be helpful Deb. 01:01:27: You're not absorbing it all quite yet, but don't worry and I'm not kidding six 01:01:31: years. I you know what? You see you saw Kristen. 01:01:34: I've been here six years Ledger's are a heavy subject for us. 01:01:38: And we know it's something that we're trying to always evolved. 01:01:41: But just keep working on it one thing at a time and your team is here to help. 01:01:44: So awesome. And don't forget that support site. 01:01:48: It is such a lifesaver. It's awesome, especially for these types 01:01:52: of things. Like how do I add a line item? I mean, there's so many great resources 01:01:56: that our training team is put together and our support team and our support 01:02:00: team there too. So if you can't get ahold of your CSM call support they are willing 01:02:04: to walk you through this as well for sure. 01:02:06: And and I finally I threw it in the chat early on but there's a question mark In 01:02:11: the top right corner of the app, and that takes you directly to 01:02:15: related pages in the support site. So if you're on Ledger's and you have questions hit that 01:02:19: question mark and and yeah tools here, so we went we went along 01:02:23: today. Sorry gang, but you know what? It's a big topic and we feel like we probably just scratch 01:02:27: the surface Kristen great job. 01:02:30: Thank you all for your time. We know it's valuable. 01:02:33: We appreciate you joining us, and we will see you all soon. 01:02:37: Thanks everybody. Yeah. Have a great day. We'll see ya. 01:02:39: Bye.
Articles in this section
- Navigating Financial Features with CampDoc & SchoolDoc
- Customize and Optimize: New Registration Enhancements with CampDoc & SchoolDoc
- Save Time, Stress Less: Time-Saving Tools in CampDoc & SchoolDoc
- Health Solutions for your Camp or School: The New Behavioral Health Module
- Shake Off the Dust: A CampDoc/SchoolDoc Refresher
- Health Log & eMAR: Streamlining Health Management with CampDoc/SchoolDoc
- Effortless Attendance and Messaging
- Ledgers Unleashed: Money Magic with CampDoc/SchoolDoc!
- Roster and Registration Fun
- New Season Ahead: Onboarding, Group Structure, & BugHerd